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  • This is the text that every guy dreams about getting. :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 8, 09 at 8:26am
  • Let me guess ... ManchVegas, right?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 5, 09 at 3:32pm
  • LOL - umm, i think i know you. haah

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 1, 09 at 4:27pm
  • scary thing I have that text on my phone and i'm not the one who sent it...and i'm a 603er...not his first fuck buddy anyone know joe?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 20, 09 at 9:42pm
  • @9:42 This was from me to a Ryan, not a Joe. Funny story? We've been hooking up since last spring and he spent the first month lying to me about his last name and his job. Fan-fucking-tastic. My life = Joke.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 23, 09 at 2:20am
  • And every fat girl wishes for the opportunity to send.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 15, 09 at 6:04pm