Agreed - Adderall works. So does cocaine, just less predictable than adderall.
Lorazepam (xanax), alprazolam (Ativan), klonazepam (klonopin) - those just take away the intensity of the hangover. So does valium or any opiate-based painkiller (vicodin, norco, etc).
I'm not a med student, I've just tried all of these. Here's to better living through chemistry.
Drink plenty of water before bed and maybe a piece of bread if you're super tossed. Eat something light like toast within the first hour of waking up. Drink some pedialyte or gatorade (preferrably pedialyte because it has more electrolytes). Enjoy your day.
Dude. That would be amazing. But the number one cure for me would have to be a fat joint or a fat bowl, smoke til you don't puke no more, then eventually you get the munchies, put food in your belly, then your good to go. God miracles of marijuana.
Take some Vitamin B12 before you go to bed. That should keep you from getting hungover. If you happen to feel like crap still [which shouldn't happen unless you are somehow living when you should be dead of alcohol poisoning], take some again in the morning.
idk bout one that makes u sober, but there is a pill that u can take to get u over a hangover quickly. haha ive seen it advertised many times, i just cant remember the name of it.
There is its called finding a condom 3 inches deep in your vagina and you dont remember how it got there. You only notice this because cum is running down your leg.
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