this obviously isn't a text. you don't text a question to someone where the answer would require you to visually see the dress to know if its too short.
This trick can't be serious. how the hell do you not wear panties while your on your peiod? That' s just fkn nasty but some slob face dude will hit it.
@ 12:24
i text people all the time when i'm beside them. if my friend was right there but i didn't wanna ask out loud, i'd just text her, i do stuff like that all the time
If you're on your period you should wear underwear. If you're on your period, you shouldn't be wearing a dress like that anyway. It's a recipe for disaster lol
lmao I've witnessed this first hand at a bar. It was absolutely hilarious... until she got on the stage to try and dance. Then everyone was just embarassed for her.
i love it! by the way, its obviously a joke. just laugh. i have a friend who dresses a little too slutty sometimes and we would make a joke like this about her. she'd probably laugh too
Why so serious? This text would be funniest if it were sent between two people who were witnessing some hideous violation and mocking the inappropriately short dress. There doesn't even need to be a visible tampon string to make it funny.
Wearing a tampon and wearing a short dress sound pretty much like things your average American girl would do. How that makes her such a slut I cannot figure out...
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