i play roller derby and that's what came to my mind, 4:25. skating pads. like knee pads, elbow pads, etc. which, after a hard practice or game, do smell like my grandfather...the dead one. which is more gross: blood or sweat?
i am amazed that some of these texts get through. Seriously. I have submitted several funnier, and much less disgusting, texts and they don't get put up but this shit does? Is it just randomized?
why are you smelling that.
and 4:55, if i was bleeding for a week, i'd think it was a big deal and it would be hard to get over it. to continue bleeding for a week once a month for 40-50 years? fuck.... me.
7:33 FTW
Derby pads is EXACTLY what I thought of. And you WOULD text that to a friend. I don't think it's fake, I think TFLN probably just chose to NOT post the response to kick off the above awesome conversation.
DERBY LUV!!!!!!!!!
ok, really people... most of the texts on TFLN are supposed to be weird texts people sent when they were drunk or texts talking about crazy shit they did while drunk. no need to analyze what the texter mean't. but i must admit, this is odd.
wtf, this is disgusting. not funny and it sounds fake. ppl are just putting the most disgusting or random groups of words together and calling them texts. the fact that they are getting through is not nearly as obnoxious as the losers submitting them. yay, you got on tfln. you still don't have friends.
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