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  • the terrace though? ha, good times.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 5:54pm
  • dude..thats like, 5 minutes from my house..must be true

    Submitted by Sideswipe on Jul 16, 10 at 7:35pm
  • i dont give a shit if its fake, thats fuckin hilarious 2:33- take the tampon out of ur vagina and get a life

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 4:50pm
  • that. is. awesome!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 2:59pm
  • definitely seen some shit like that before in the terrace... you're definitely from the noke... go over the bridge and get me some dutchies!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 31, 09 at 8:46pm
  • Sounds like someone was describing a dream

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 7:50pm
  • big wheels were so awesome. i believe this is real and not fake. lighten up 2:33

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 31, 09 at 1:29am
  • agree w/ 11:26 as well

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 1, 09 at 10:02pm
  • if any of ya'll a.) were from roanoke & b.) knew what kind of peeps are in lincoln terrace, you'd know that this is probably very true lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 31, 09 at 11:26am
  • hahahah is a dream, guys. chill out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 1, 09 at 12:58am
  • hahaha thats great, stuff like that is a real possibility after leaving corned beef or cornerstone...especially if you were cut off at one and wandered to the other. on the 8th crazy stuff like that will definitely occur with the microfestivus being in town.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 1, 09 at 11:40pm
  • HAhahah this is awesome!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 3:55pm
  • i could totally see this happening in the terrace... big ol' pink wheels and shit, everybody laughing... only during the day thou. You dont see shit outside at night...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 12:48am
  • that'd be awesome if it was true...i miss my big wheel and powerwheels or whatever that thing was called

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 11:24pm
  • you cant make this shit up. hahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 10, 09 at 4:48pm
  • i would do this and i'm 45. people get too all-up -in-my-shit when i'm having fun all the time. must suck to be you guys i guess. hah. (:D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 9:35pm
  • This is so cute, it makes me happy!!

    Submitted by Laila23 on Sep 15, 10 at 2:11am
  • ahah why do you randomly have those?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 6:23pm
  • jeez you guys need to lighten up. i think it's funny!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 3:40pm
  • 2:33 how do you know its fake? just cause you have a boring ass life doesnt mean others dont have their fun.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 2:51pm
  • haha, the terrace...ghetto fab!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 30, 09 at 10:14pm