you don't have to be immature to find this disturbing. anyone who NEEDS to know the 'progress of your labor' in THAT much detail, shouldn't be finding out via facebook. it is TMI. I am pretty sure that "hey everyone, labor's starting. we'll let you know when little Jonny/Susie is here" and something posted when said child is actually here is sufficient. no play by play needed - it's childbirth, not a football game.
yeah theyre right. youre probably the kind of people who post "goin to get drunk w my gurlies" like you still think youre 17 and its cool. youre right, thats much more appealing for people. youre the reason god hates us
wow folks, seriously. this is nothing to fight over. all I was saying is that I think it's tmi when I log onto my facebook and see multiple people posting about this. twice a day. everyday.
lighten up!
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