I was at a halloween party in Dallas back in '92 and a guy came in wearing a leather unicorn outfit. it showed as much of him as it did the unicorn. You didn't really want to know.
8:58, I love that you noticed the Oberlin area code. That stuck out for me too. But the person I was thinking of doesn't have an area code there any more.
What kind of unicorn? One you hallucinated or a girl who will actually hook up with a couple for a threesome, called a unicorn because so many couples want that and they're so hard to find that no one is sure they exist.
omg i LOVE unicorns!! i have one named frank, sometimes we go running in a fields and he falls in his own shit and i have to hose him off. we also shit pixie dust together! its some crazy shit! but yeah unicorns have the craziest parties! i hope u had fun! call frank he LOVES to party.
No, this could be from oberlin, where this is legitimately at least one person who owns and occasionally parties in a unicorn costume. PAR FOR THE COURSE.
Of course, it could also have been Jeremy B, if we're thinking of the same Jeremy B, but I'm not sure he can spell unicorn. No offense, J Bu.
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