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  • Then you are alone at a bar at age 35 and wish you had a ring from him.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Jul 1, 16 at 10:32am
    • While asking where to find a good man who will love her.

      Submitted by monkeyboner on Jul 2, 16 at 7:13am
  • Keep calm and carry on.

    Submitted by kin_in_in on Jul 1, 16 at 11:02am
  • If that doesn't the likely hood of getting STD's from having a fuck buddy will. Stop playing Russian Roulette with your naughty bits.

    Submitted by Axel5238 on Jul 4, 16 at 3:32am
  • How do you know they're not using condoms, axel?

    Submitted by olliethemagicbum on Jul 10, 16 at 8:11pm