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  • oh thank god it happend to other girls too i thought i had like some weird defect or twitch when that happens

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:18am
  • I can top all you guys bragging. Massage therapist, I play piano and guitar. Boom goes the dynamite.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 26, 09 at 3:25am
  • just realized the guy im like has been playing piano for 7... holy shit

    Submitted by doubleteamit16 on Apr 15, 11 at 6:32pm
  • My boyfriend has been playing piano since preschool. He's now 18. So I'm definitely familiar with this, with one addition - my toes go numb. Magic fingers...

    Submitted by trillian42 on Dec 17, 11 at 3:01am
  • i play bass, trumpet, trombone, piano, guitar, cello, and saxophone.........

    Submitted by aolien on Jun 19, 11 at 2:14pm
  • yeee! 916 reppin' I am proud to have this tfln come from my area code. That's why you always have to get the piano and video game players. They are good with their fingers.

    Submitted by _Rawr on Apr 2, 10 at 10:21pm
  • The whole 'musicians are good in bed' thing is the biggest myth. My ex played violin, guitar, piano etc. and he was SHIT! He had no idea what he was doing and never satisfied me.

    Submitted by yewinnhard on Feb 10, 12 at 12:50am
  • remember ladies: musicians are the way to go. srsly.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:33am
  • I love how people are talking about them like they are items

    Submitted by Madi4377 on Feb 22, 11 at 11:06pm
  • Bass guitar, airsoft, video games, lock picking, and I can do the worm with my fingers. Anyone wanna try me?

    Submitted by superbassman on Dec 12, 11 at 10:17pm
  • I do that too!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 5, 10 at 2:14am
  • Lol let's just say I've got the same problem, and my mans never touched a piano.

    Submitted by kibbz on Jan 15, 11 at 10:27pm
  • LMAO-- if the guy hits that special spot my legs tweak out too ;-)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 8:47am
  • 11:44, me too! i was thinking about that and i'm like hmmm the guy who texted this is being awfully could be hurting her.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 1:21pm
  • Hate to break it to ya, kiddo, but that's always what happens when you play with a girl's clit. Sorry.

    Submitted by anonymous420 on Sep 5, 10 at 5:59pm
  • I thought I was the only one lol

    Submitted by tduke421 on Sep 5, 13 at 11:50am
  • totally give me a call

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 7, 09 at 2:27am
  • The most pleasure any girl can get is from the hand of an 80 rogue in world of Warcraft.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 9, 09 at 1:19pm
  • Hell ya! That's what im talkin about!!

    Submitted by k_y on Jun 4, 10 at 9:00pm
  • yeahhh.. my leg does it too.... and then i cant move and demand chocolate ice cream and a cig lol.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 6:26am
  • Us bass players are also good at that, especially with the index and middle fingers on our right hands.

    Submitted by pbyrd on Jul 29, 10 at 4:05am
  • so glad i can play guitar, piano, trumpet, and video games.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 3:43pm
  • Hahahaha I'd pee myself from laughing if I ever received this text. How cheesy.

    Submitted by reptile on Jan 21, 11 at 3:52am
  • I thought I was the only one. lol

    Submitted by tduke421 on Sep 5, 13 at 11:51am
  • Way to go piano player!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 1, 10 at 3:31am
  • im dating a bassist and a trombonist (one person not two haha), so he's good with his fingers AND mouth ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 9:18am
  • whew. glad im not the only one

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 7:19pm
  • I don't twitch... I arch a lot and shake.... Diff strokes fer diff folks

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 13, 10 at 4:16am
  • that happened to me once and i thought it was soo weird because it had never happened before he was amazing i need to make a phone call

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 19, 09 at 12:05am
  • How did 189 people think this was a bad night??? honestly....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 11, 09 at 2:25pm
  • Mine is only my left leg. and it only happens when touched lightly. harder feels better ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 12:33am
  • My legs twitches like crazy! It reminds of when you pet a dog and they kick their leg

    Submitted by Alana969 on Dec 3, 10 at 5:54pm
  • Was with a trumpet player for a bit. He did things with his mouth I could barely believe.

    Submitted by MissBea on May 15, 10 at 4:01am
  • umm i twitch EVERY time i ogasm...some of your girls are really missing out

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 1:46pm
  • musicians=passion plus fingering skills. def the way to go :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:14am
  • I get the twitching, GET A BASSIST. I've had guitar and piano players before, but now I've had a bassist I'll never go back...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 7:47pm
  • The twitching doens't always feel good to every woman. There are times it can be painful. It is caused from too much direct contact. The nerve endings are too sensitive and so you can't control the twitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 20, 09 at 11:03am
  • nah paintballers and guitar players are the way to goo

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 17, 10 at 1:14pm
  • August 7, 2:08... LMAO. Hahahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9, 10 at 9:18pm
  • my leg has never twitched. i suddenly feel very left out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:43am
  • Totally happens to me. Thought I was the only one.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 20, 09 at 7:03pm
  • haha musicians who play video games as well are the best at this, one guy got my leg to vibrate so hard i couldn't walk properly afterwards, it was AMAZING!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 6:00pm
  • my legs twitch sometimes when it's no good

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 4:05pm
  • Ha, with you there 4:23. :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 26, 09 at 2:40am
  • 12:27 fuck me cause I'm wet.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 6, 09 at 7:32pm
  • hahahaa @10:13 musicians are amazing. period.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 10:16am
  • Aug. 5, 8:09, you're so right. :) Cellists are the shit. /conceit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 22, 09 at 11:40pm
  • those guitar solos are good practice

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 4:52pm
  • Not that difficult to find that spot on a dog.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 30, 09 at 7:12am
  • Haha been there had that :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:27am
  • omg that totally happens to me when it's really good. glad i'm not the only one.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:00am
  • My legs always twitch, it's one of the best feelings ever honestly.. (:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 5:23pm
  • @2:32: Every guy who's ever made me feel amazing in bed has been both a musician and a gamer (2 out of the 5 guys I've slept with) First guy was a guitarist and had been playing video games since he was 3 and the second guy was a drummer and a games developer. <3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 3:08pm
  • My leg twitches when a guy presses too hard...she may not be liking it all that much...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:44am
  • my wang is as hard as a prosthetic leg

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 3, 09 at 12:27am
  • Naw... gamers who are also drummers. Gamer because of the fine digit control and drummer because they can do things independantly with each hand :P

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 10:37am
  • 10:17, I think she meant a dude that plays bass and video games...also, you're an idiot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:09pm
  • 9:53 if it was weird then maybe she had a defected vagina? shoulda checked under the hood for the warranty on that thing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 10:13am
  • Oh play me a song piano man...l

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 30, 09 at 12:47am
  • What a full-of-yourself-tool you are!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 9:22am
  • the same thing happens to me!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 10:26am
  • @Feb 14, 4:16am... Yes, me too! Haha I felt so left out of the leg-twitchers!

    Submitted by LetItBe on Feb 22, 10 at 3:45am
  • cellists are the way go. No one vibratos like us ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 8:09pm
  • Gamers > Musicians. Believe it or not, you're missing out. ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 2:32pm
  • 10:17 HAHAHA amazing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 4:11am
  • ^ more like double whore

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 10:17pm
  • who the hell says "clitoris" ?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 28, 09 at 3:24am
  • ner not piano players. bass players though ;) twitching all night to heaven

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:51am
  • My ex was a virgin and twitched everytime I touched her clit. It sucked because she would make me stop because it was "weird".

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:53am
  • guitarists have multiple cordinated fingers though, def best in bed

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 1:16pm
  • twitching at first, shaking later ; )

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 25, 09 at 4:23pm
  • hey musicians aren't always depends on the instrument you play...if the dude plays the freakin may be out of luck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 4:15am
  • I'm sorry you were with a prude, 9:53

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:59am
  • set 26 3:25 am call me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 19, 09 at 12:06am
  • That happens to awkward..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 15, 09 at 1:33am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 4:23pm
  • Happens to me too, I thought I was just weird lol I'm dating a massage therapist, better than a musician ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 20, 09 at 4:17pm
  • I twitch every time I cum. Its how I know it was good. And damn I need a musician, though gamers are fun.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 21, 09 at 10:48pm
  • guitar hero is a good warm-up haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:51pm
  • Wow, I thought i was just really really weird. Glad I'm not the only one...And I'm currently dating a bassist and a double awesome?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:58pm
  • Violinists dude...violinists :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:58am
  • 6:00 I'm jealous like woah.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 12:34am
  • What an odd place to have this sort of thing confirmed. I'm an occasional leg twitcher, especially on the second or third go-round. My personal piano playing history I consider irrelevant.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 6:09am
  • i saw some kid poundin some keys he's gonna have my number,and we're becoming GREAT friends..

    Submitted by 406finest on Feb 19, 10 at 1:39pm
  • My leg does that too!

    Submitted by kaffy on Mar 23, 10 at 12:25am
  • hell yeah 11:58! (my bf is a bassist so I'm lucky :] ) and yes my leg twitches too, I thought I was wayy to sensitive or something, but I guess not! I'm glad to know that I'm not weird haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 1:39am
  • happens to me I wondered if it was just me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 1:23am
  • the same thing happens to me AND i play piano. :\

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 13, 09 at 12:51pm
  • Mine twitches like, whenever my clit gets touched, good or bad. :/

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:14pm
  • oh my this happens to me too!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:47pm
  • Bassists are better with their fingers than pianists. Just sayin'.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:51am
  • Depends on the trombonist. Some have triggers

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 6:11am
  • hell yeahthis is so good no one even said bad night yet. damn.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 8:53am
  • leg twitchin is def. a good thing.. but few guys can actually get it to happen!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 10, 09 at 4:45pm
  • It's just you, but, whatevs....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 8:54am
  • 'i thought i had like some weird defect' Why are people so ignorant?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:50am
  • My leg twitches sometimes too!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 3:27pm
  • Im a guitar player, i only get that when i use my left hand

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 13, 09 at 8:56pm
  • Leg twitching is the best. My legs twitch afterward, though, not during. But that's how you know it was one hell of an O :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 4:51pm
  • spanish guitar players.... thats the way to go

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 6:15pm
  • 11:40 if you honestyly read all the way back to august 5th, go fuck yourself

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 28, 09 at 1:39am
  • Hahhaha musicians, gamers...and hey, bandies work too.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 5:11pm
  • I need to get a musician..ASAP llol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:57am
  • Try not to do that if the girl has calipers on both legs

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 10:43am
  • my girl tries ta kick me in the face but wen i bite sh bites me ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 1:33pm
  • I know its good when my leg twitches left leg?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:10pm
  • i twitch out when that happens!! :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:06pm
  • when someone touches my butt, i always poop

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:08am
  • lmao, this has actually freaking happened to me. sad part is, i've played piano for 15 years. ahaha.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 11, 09 at 1:43pm
  • I don't know, my leg twitches but it kind of hurts

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 9:43am