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  • I am a whore it's cool

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:04am
  • your practicly a vergin again

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 3:58am
  • @3:21 - Haha, thanks for the offer, but no thanks. 5 is a nice number for now.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 4:15pm
  • so you only have sex when your sober?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:26am
  • Thats sad. Sex is great and all, but really?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 12:26am
  • @214 maybe he is just a really kewl old guy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 3:49pm
  • i had sex with the same loving girl for 62 years. suck it ma' nerds

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 12:21pm
  • 11.29 is still a virgin

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:33am
  • 12:21 - was it "for 62 yrs" or "of 62 yrs". Big difference

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 9:19am
  • I lost count somewhere around 35ish

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 10:58am
  • i surpassed all my fingers and toes about 2 months after my divorce....i was in a bad place.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 3:23pm
  • whore's are cool to other drunk losers who wouldn't get laid otherwise.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 11:17am
  • i have 8 to go. i think.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 10:59am
  • So how many did you bang with your dick?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 12:25pm
  • born again 8 times

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 8:57pm
  • 3 things wrong with that statement. 1) How did an 80 year old even find this site 2) why would they have interest in reading this shit and 3) I bet they dont even understand what half this means

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 2:14pm
  • s/he just has less fingers and toes than normal

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 4:34pm
  • I like the way you think. I've been born again 5-6 times then. I've lost count.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 1:35pm
  • My goal is 100 before the end of October. At 89 now....I got to get crackin' Is it bad that I have # goals?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 6:04am
  • I can count all the guys I've slept with on one hand...and more and I'll need to use 2 hands though.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 2:58pm
  • Because u fuck dogs

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 13, 09 at 10:43pm
  • Yeah, born-again whoreeeeeeeee

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 2:15pm