I just saw a midget ride by on a scooter...wearing a bowtie and a helmet. My life is complete.
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haha! I was actually in the 206.
dude i think i saw that man!!!! cept he was on a bike
dumbasses the dude wasnt in the 510 and thats friggin hilarious, u are a lucky man
Fuck you OP! Why does this site allow derogatory terms like "m*dget" through and not niqqer or faqqot. Because saying the M word to little people is just as insulting as the N word and faqqot.
actually I was in Seattle. My phone is still 510- Oakland!!
hahaha, it was prolly Wee-Man :]
Sounds like you were in a David Lynch movie.
little dude must have caused a shitload of accidents!!
hahahaha my heeerrooo!
that's what happens in the 510
You made my day. Wow, lol'd for several minutes.
Dude 510 is an hour north of me, where the fuck in 510 is this? lol
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