my roommate and her friend got reaallllly high last night and it looks like they played scrabble. one of their words is "nippal"
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Haha! That's not how you spell Nepal!
correlation does not imply causation - they're probably just as dumb sober
Inquiring minds want to know: did 6:22 and 7:04 hook up or what?
6:22 and 7:04 should hang out.
this text is so incredibly lame.
Naked scrabble, anyone?
sarcasm, 6:22, it's sarcasm
Scrabble on a board is the best... "Sure it is a word, trust me... no don't go look it up..."
nipple 5:44, its nipple
i work in a doctors office and today on the faxes someone faxed a note to "oteology" .... audiology anyone??
wow i could of so many cooler things to do when you're high, of all the things in the world why would you play scrabble?
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