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  • 12:28, he was at the pool. And what's wrong with a guy who likes to go out and have a good time working at a daycare? It's not like he's drinking or doing anything iappropriate with the kids. Admittedly, he should have showered before going to work, but maybe he woke up late. It happens.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 18, 09 at 11:29am
  • Daycare with a pool? Man I sure missed out as a little kid.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 1:02am
  • "Any lightweight that can't outdrink a girl is a fucking loser. And any guy that would let a girl write this on is chest is soooooooooo much a pussy that I'm speechless." ahaha you're an idiot

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 11:43pm
  • Yeah 3:10, you must be honored to be such a fucking loser for sitting on TFLN continuously refreshing to be first..3 times..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 3:11pm
  • 5:38 doesn't have kids. Anyone and everyone over the age of 13 knows how to spell douchebag.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 5:50pm
  • 5:50 - I wouldn't put it past anyone who reads this site to be pregnant at 13

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 6:45pm
  • 3:10, stop eating dick.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 3:14pm
  • 10:42 -- Wow. There are no words.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 10:51pm
  • Did 10:42 just say everyone has kids? Wtf?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 12:22am
  • What do you mean you hope he doesn't work at your son's daycare. Grown man had sex. Eep! A little bit of forethought would have been nice to have that cleaned off, but you win some, you lose some. Also, 2:18, go back to the 70's, sexist bitch. The world doesn't want you anymore.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 8:22pm
  • "the kids in my daycare group had a lot of questions when i took off my shirt AT THE POOL.."

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 3:36pm
  • What I want to know is why are you still in daycare if your having sex?? That's weird.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 7:54pm
  • You all are missing the truly frightening aspect of this...why is a grown assed man woring in a day care?!?!!! Pedophile time.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 9:59am
  • so he was shit faced the night before, then woke up, and went to work without cleaning up or even removing his shirt?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 10:29am
  • there was pool day at the daycare i worked at, the summer help is teenagers (boys and girls from the local highschool and college) its weird that everyone was swimming together? and damn who hasnt had a rough night and not showered every now and again. and this does not mean he was out-drank, maybe she didnt drink that much and got him when he passed out. be a little positive you ass holes. its just supposed to be funny.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 18, 09 at 7:02pm
  • awkward that this happened to me....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 4:00pm
  • 6:45 is 13 and pregnant

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 9:02pm
  • I'd really want you watching my kids douchbag

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 5:38pm
  • Is there any reason that you took off your shirt in front of your daycare group?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 3:35pm
  • oh no. This happened in my area code. I really hope this guy doesn't work at my son's daycare!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 11:32am
  • this belongs on fml, not tfln

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 3:14pm
  • of Brittany! Any lightweight that can't outdrink a girl is a fucking loser. And any guy that would let a girl write this on is chest is soooooooooo much a pussy that I'm speechless. On the plus side, you and Brittany can shop together for tampons

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 2:18am
  • LOL 3:11. Still hilarious. Trying imagine their face when the kids pointed it out. But you didn't shower in the morning?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 3:17pm
  • First of all, what the fuck were you doing taking your shirt off at a daycare?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17, 09 at 12:28am
  • ROFL. Everyone has kids. I took my son to school one day towards the end of the year and there was a pregnant girl walking in front of him. He's in 6th grade. Either she's really mature for her age, retarded, or got held back a few years. Or as T-Pain said: All the above!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 16, 09 at 10:42pm
  • 2:18, whats your problem? \nAnd goo brittney ;)

    Submitted by CODplayingchick on Feb 21, 11 at 9:18pm