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  • Who asks that question? What a whore. This is why girls hate other girls. Just sayin. Not that the guy is any less of a dbag.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 7:01pm
  • I hate when people say this shit, you can control your labido while drunk, you just choose not to. the girl involved in this is a bitch and the guy is a tool.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 7:01pm
  • girls are guilty of this too. more often than guys, actually.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:36pm
  • Being drunk is not an excuse for cheating. If your significant other needs to hold your hand to keep you from cheating on them you're not mature enough to handle a monogamous relationship.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 7:08pm
  • I have a girlfriend I have a goldfish What? I though we were talking about things that don't matter

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 7:14pm
  • oh that's just shitty. but i can't say I didn't laugh, haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:23pm
  • Just because there's a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 9:45pm
  • 3:46....we only let u get away with it cuz were fucking ure best friend and her cousin behind ure back

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 4:25am
  • drinking isn't an excuse. you control how much you drink. if you think you're getting to the point where you might not be able to handle your libido, stop fucking drinking. that goes for either sex.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 8:19pm
  • 6:36 Until you can actually find cold, hard statistical evidence to indicate that, lets just agree that both guys and girls cheat about equal.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:38pm
  • wait guess it don't matter does i

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:20pm
  • Ahaha this is me, and the guys' answer is always the same.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 11:04pm
  • Fuck this bitch. I hate sluts

    Submitted by hahagoodone on Apr 13, 10 at 3:18am
  • I'm Guessing Northern Illinois University...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:20pm
  • Fucking whore

    Submitted by Trina on May 19, 10 at 4:45am
  • 847, pimps? Haha, never pimps, just hoes. -The quiet girl in the corner.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 30, 09 at 9:23am
  • 11:04 you are a whore.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 12:25am
  • guarantee this is my boyfriend.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 26, 09 at 5:51pm
  • typical asshole man. thanks a bunch.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:36pm
  • I have herpes. If you're drunk do you have herpes. No. If I'm drunk then we have herpes. If it isn't so, it's in the mail fo sho

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 4:14am
  • is anyone else out there tired of hearing "I'm a bitch/I'm fucked up" for the excuse.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 2:06am
  • Man up and find someone to have an open relationship with if you can't handle monogamy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:32pm
  • whoever this guy is i wanna give you a high five .

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 29, 09 at 9:49am
  • 3:02 ... Nothing to say except <3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 3:34am
  • alcohol is and excuse...but not a reason. obviously the guy's a douche with or without alcohol. he's planning on cheating, or at least putting it out there that he'd be willing to.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 30, 09 at 7:23pm
  • Hey since you don't have one I'll fuck her too dick

    Submitted by Trina on May 19, 10 at 4:46am
  • this is why women hate men

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 1, 09 at 9:40pm
  • 1:57 Guys are sluts too. We appear to be at an impasse.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 3:02am
  • Well played 7:14 BY THE WAY, 847 pimps represent

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 7:19pm
  • Fuck that home wrecker, too

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:38pm
  • Kudos. Girls are a dime a dozen.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 7:04pm
  • Haha. I know plenty of girls that would follow this mindset

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 10:57am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 9:17pm
  • does your girlfriend know that shes not your girlfriend?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:19pm
  • We, girls, just always get away with it. we're sneaky like that ; )

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 3:46am
  • Am I the only one wishing it was a girl to girl text. Ok women now you can hate on me for being a "typical male" too

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 1:25am
  • no ring equals fair game

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 8:45pm
  • The only time you have a boyfriend or girlfriend while drinking is if you're drinking with them. If they let me go off by myself, I have no control over what the tequila tells me to do.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 6:46pm
  • wait according to half the twits on here since he was drunk he would have been raped and his gf can't get mad at him for being raped right? Can't give consent when drunk right? Dumbasses

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 8:08pm
  • Ehh whatever his girlfriend probably does the same thing... They're perfect for each other.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:37pm