quiet girl in the corner: you fail to recognize that mermaids have bellybuttons which means they would hypothetically develop inside their mothers... not possible with external fertilization sorry I know you thought you were smarter than everyone.
hahaha i legitimately thought this was about me for a minute. i asked that exact question on saturday.... i know they're not real but maybe they lay eggs?
that is a damn good question! I saw an f'ing hilarious video on Cheeksdown with nerds questing to figure out where a mermaid's vag is. (can't post link here...just google cheeksdown to see it...vid is called mermaid's vag or something.)
If the conversation reaches this low, it's time to either decide whether you wanna cut and run or stick it out and get really drunk. Alcohol makes boring people seem interesting.
They reproduce like fish you dumb fucks, they arent humans with genitalia fuckin noobs fucking stupid, in like 2nd grade or something, have you ever seen fish hump eachother? No cuz they dont fuck like that they release fuckin eggs to get fertilized holy fuck youre all stupid and noone is boring you are just fucking shallow and boring to think that, go drink your alcohol you shit heads
-the quiet girl in the corner
That's a legitimate question. I've asked that before...I mean...if mermaids were real...how would they reproduce. There are only so many real things you can talk about before the conversation gets boring
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