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  • LOL I am totally going to have to try that with a Swedish guy in one of my classes... Also have a dude from Serbia with a hot accent

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 26, 09 at 2:31am
  • 2:28... Småstadskomplex!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 14, 09 at 3:25pm
  • This person who sent this text goes to Pace University in NYC! I know this because I was right next to said Swedish guy blazed out of my fucking mind and taking the balloon from him and saying "I'm going to slap the dick right off your face" Ina chipmunk voice

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 28, 09 at 3:18am
  • Jag heter Sverige? Jag kan prata svenska också! Hahaha also I def did the helium thing once with a group of my Swedish friends! Best thing everr

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 14, 09 at 5:19pm
  • Yo dat accent waz cool yo but Beyonce has the best accent of ALL TIME! Kanye niggas hate me bitches wanna fuck me and I'll kill all y'all

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 14, 09 at 2:51pm
  • Vem här kan faktiskt prata Svenska på riktigt? lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 15, 09 at 12:57am
  • Please, God, let it have been Alexander Skarsgard, and let someone have gotten video of that.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 14, 09 at 9:35pm
  • not worth googling. no one here can speak sweedish 12:57am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 15, 09 at 11:33am
  • Fantastiskt bra kanske får köra den på tjejerna I Canada I sommar!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 9:26am
  • Fy fan vad bra den här sidan e! I love it! Makes me wish I lived in the States, or at least went to an American college.

    Submitted by SwefricanChick on Feb 19, 10 at 10:02am
  • that was totally worth googling.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 15, 09 at 8:45am
  • Please tell me it's on youtube somewhere @___@

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 9, 09 at 2:04am
  • Fan vad jag älskar denna sida.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 30, 09 at 7:06am
  • For those of you who can't speak Swedish. This is how u do it: För dem som inte talar svenska. Så här gör man. Yes. I just translated it.

    Submitted by sircohan on Jun 7, 10 at 1:34am
  • 3:25 I love you... Swedish boys have the CUTEST accents PS- stop pretending you know how to speak Swedish 5:19, "heter" means "be named" aka "Jag heter Sverige" means "My name is Sweden" you fucking moron.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 14, 09 at 11:06pm
  • He must have been from Stockhom. They're the only Swedish people that sound idiotic when they speak..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 14, 09 at 2:28pm
  • 11:06PM The person wrote "jag HATAR sverige" which means "I hate Sweden", not "Jag HETER Sverige" which means "My name is Sweden". 12:57 :)... Jag pratar svenska på riktigt! Studerar i USA just nu dock. Vad glad jag blir av att se att det finns svenskar som känner till den här hemsidan. :P

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 15, 09 at 11:52am
  • Why do I feel like one of my cousins wrote this?!?!?!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 15, 09 at 10:21pm
  • for sure. finns en svensk motsvarighet men den är ju värdelös. amerikanerna är bättre på oneliners plus att det blir roligare på engelska. mycket walk of shame historier och im high historier = nice.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 15, 09 at 7:30pm
  • Who could possibly vote this a BAD NIGHT ?!?

    Submitted by abbi on Jul 22, 10 at 12:33pm