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  • Poor girl only THINKS it was a wrong number.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 12:59pm
  • All you passive-aggressive pussies who've done this, I love the way you can only admit this on TFLN. No way you're admitting it in real life to anyone it's such an amazingly cowardly thing to do.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 4:02pm
  • ^ Agree....I accidentally texted my ex instead of my bff saying "that asshole cheated on me" never know! haha.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 11:08am
  • wow, kendallvile kids are bitches

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 24, 09 at 5:00pm
  • This was most likely texted from Taylor Swift to Kayne West.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 12:01pm
  • Fake all over the place

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 10:54am
  • Passive-aggressive or not, s/he still got the saying wrong.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 5:31pm
  • shut up 10:54 who gives a fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 11:06am
  • I've done that before :0

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 9:26am
  • OnHhhaa! BURN!!! Tats awesome good call!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 17, 09 at 3:15am
  • I did something like this once

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 12:24pm
  • Wow I wish I could say this to my ex and his wifey haha!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 10:37pm
  • 402; alot of relationships start online or by texts we might as well finish them that way lol. Plus it's hard to call and break up when another girl is going down on me at the time. That would " cheapen the moment" wouldn't it ?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 4:51pm
  • yay for allen county! :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 9:44am
  • smiley faces make everything better! hahaha....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 4:46pm
  • I have intentionally sent something like this (both parts) to someone. That way you still feel good for calling them out, but they'll never know it actually was for them... Good venting system.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 12:46pm
  • fort wayne, indiana! fuck yeah.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 10:18am
  • Figures i use to live there. Prolly one of the Sharks. Rise skateshop motherfckers

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 10:37am