This girl told me I had the balls of an infant..I replied by saying her vagina looks like Stargate.
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I still think she won and you FAILED!
so her vag is a portal to other parts of the universe?
Dude who said hr vag Is glowy and tranlucent just made me shit my pants
Way Dumb, Lamest TFLN Today
LOL! Baby Balls is a horrible nickname. It will stick.
way to steal that line from dane cook. asshole
so you have weird tiny balls AND you're a huge fucking nerd. I'm sure you get all the ladies.
One of the best lines all week
Should have told her she was a pedifile then for playing with them
Fail rip off of Dane cook
Sucks for you. I've got a pair of death stars in my pants.
It's a kinda weak insult. Sure, you're telling her she's loose, but Stargate's awesome.
stargate for the win!!!
The stunted ellipsis is oddly appropriate.
I do love me a Stargate reference. lol
LOL. Dane cook is beast. you suck at life for copping his style.
i hope that doesn't go for your penis as well
I love Carriers, scouts and corsairs!
well i hope she slept with you anyway, but i'm sure she woulda been laughing at you, mind you...
bitch needs a tea bag so she can get a better look at them balls
sounds like you two are a perfect match.
Her vagina is glowy and translucent?
Haha she was the one suckin them
Poor, poor baby balls.
I'm sorry but Star Wars > Star Trek > Stargate Learn the food chain.
Star Wars is shit.
@5:09 and 8:20 Yeah, because Dane Cook was the first and only person to make that joke.
Good Night +1 for all the Stargate love. I was down with Star Wars until the prequels.
Stargate universe starts next month!!!!
Something tells me this concludes with the OP not getting any.
^^^^ Just because its not awesomeist doesn't mean its not awesome.
Haha I walked though ur vag
That's too funny poor guy!!!
I think it was a refrence to her being lose
If she managed to get Richard Dean Anderson to regularly enter her vagina that really would be something!
Fuck all you infidels. This is why Americans are an epic FAIL.
Wet and it's not water sounds right
Man... thats 2 TFLN that have ripped off dane cook Filled with fail
Don't copy Dane cook. He sux dick for a living and steals other peoples material. Don't degrade ur Self
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