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  • Turn on the heat. She's cold. Sounds simple to me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 4:56pm
  • it is entirely possible to have sex while wrapped in a snuggie, you just gotta get coordinated

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 4:52pm
  • snuggies=backwards robes. best way to scam stupid people EVER

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 1:14am
  • I think she was telling you that you don't generate a lot of body heat. Which is pretty sad.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 4:56pm
  • that should be part of the infomercial

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 4:50pm
  • 8:54 your bf must be as ugly as u your week sounds fuckin lame

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 9:06pm
  • Snuggie? Sounds like she's got a lot to hide.... :(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 6:16pm
  • or she hasn't shaved and doesn't want you to see that mess

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 10:57am
  • Well 'someones daughter' is a whore then 4:52

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:01pm
  • Son, I are disappoint.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:42pm
  • Wow. 5:18 that's like saying " I only refer to my boss as "dick" and "asshole" when he's not around"

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:37pm
  • I don't get the insults towards the girl. Snuggies don't hide that much. The OP knew what he was getting into,snuggie or not.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 8:36pm
  • thankful someone out there is actually willing to have sex with you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 7:32pm
  • Yes, fuck you 4:52, and fuck that bitch as well.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:06pm
  • Hey, it gets cold out there.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 20, 09 at 10:50am
  • Snuggies are fuckin awesome, sounds like a great night

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 11:26pm
  • Why does keepin the snuggie make her a bitch? That's way harsh. You should be happy she'll have sex with you at all considering your apparent personality flaws.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 7:30pm
  • The WTF blanket! You will look like a TOOL

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 7:55pm
  • Google the Snuggie Sutra

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:12pm
  • i feel for you, sir.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 4:49pm
  • I just cried. this is actually pretty funny.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 7:17pm
  • and really, people are trying to defend anyone who even owns a snuggie much less wants to keep it on during sex?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 8:22pm
  • Dude, I hope you let her. Snuggies are fucking awesome.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 7:25am
  • The sad part is, I think I know this chick...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 2:28pm
  • fuck all of you assholes!! snuggies are the shit!! me and my boyfriend had sex while wearing snuggies. highlight of my week.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 8:54pm
  • Damn you 5:12, I was about to mention that...Oh well. The Snuggie Sutra is awesome.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:18pm
  • You should cum on her snuggie and be like "oops shouldn't have fucked with the snuggie on" teach her a lesson..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 8:18pm
  • You're right 5:37, it's exactly like that.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 7:01pm
  • i think possibly if shes having sex with random dudes, she probably is a whore. and wearing a snuggie is trashy, period. but during sex? she is a bitch. i can say that. i'm a woman.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 6:21pm
  • OP, did you have shrinkage? Was she trying to keep you warm so she could get off?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 1:19am
  • Hahaha I go to Clemson and I think I know who this was!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 28, 10 at 10:44am
  • 5:37, what if their name is Richard? WHAT NOW?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 1:27am
  • She must be fat.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 8:32pm
  • snuggie sex is great sex.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 3:54pm
  • whale alert....whale alert...whale alert...whale alert

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 9:51am
  • There is a whole book dedicated the the different sex positions you can do while in a snuggle. Called " snuggle karma sutra" I think

    Submitted by foxToaster on Nov 22, 11 at 10:58pm
  • 8:18 you're an idiot And this text is bogas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 10:56pm
  • this is one that i would want to be fake but you know it's real. like keep on your SNUGGIE are you serious?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:02pm
  • Search for snuggie sex on YouTube. HILARIOUS video. I'm surprised no one's posted it yet.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 10:59pm
  • Well, OP, maybe you shouldn't be such a whore willing to fuck any girl, no matter how strange.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 20, 09 at 12:52am
  • 1:27 Then you'd add "munch" on the end of "dick." DUH.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 1:35am
  • LMAO. not sexy. at all.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 8:21pm
  • I'm only willing to fuck the ones that will put out

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 20, 09 at 8:29am
  • I've had plenty of girls, 5:12. I only refer to them as "bitch" and "whore" when they aren't around.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:18pm
  • Hahaha 7:55 i love that video!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 8:59pm
  • i know i keep my snuggie on during sex.. tfln you are a disappointment:(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 5:11pm
  • why does anyone even buy these damn things in the first place? and who the fuck wants to wear one during sex?!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 1:53am
  • I say bullshit too but if true then it sucks royal donkey balls. hope you came all over that snuggie.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 11:41pm
  • Lol... It's a backwards robe....haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 8:10am
  • probably has small tits that she's been hiding with a super push-up bra. Or jello thighs... If you can't see the goods and decide if they are worth tapping....dumb that bicth

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 9:53am
  • I would love to keep my snuggie on during sex, thanks for the idea dude.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 7, 09 at 11:50pm
  • fuck yeah upstate south carolina.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 12:55pm