I want you more than these girls want KFC
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Fuck like 3 people posted in the 5 seconds i wrote my message... GG me
dude get a fucking life. what are we...10? if you're going to post shit obsessively at least make it mildly interesting.. get laid and peace off
dude KFC sounds bomb
Gotta love the black chicks
4:20.....what the fuck brah
@ 4:20 WTF r u on.... Omg
Bet that the girls were black !! :] WTF is wrong with 4:20 - has anyone noticed the time is 420( April 20) Kreepy
I'll call this board mount ME and I live at the peak!
8:01-8:06. wow. hahaha
Kfc is low grade chicken
This text is a lot better than one that's sponsored.
7138656975 -- call or text for a good time
Kfc is disgusting. Taco bell is delicious.
No one else can write on this board! It mine! My precious!!!!!!
If your not first. Your last. R.B.
Fuck it. I'll keep going... 24th!
i don't agree with this text. i don't know if anyone could want me more than i want kfc mashed potatoes and gravy right now
Blow me. You're jealous of my 20 string posts.
I meant you are a douche
Ninth! I'm all alone! My board fuckers
Way to ruin a good thong motherfucker
It's still my board!!
Reggin. Tip : spell it backwards
He must want her a lot lol
... Damn fried food. Ppl these days, yeesh!
Mmm I love me a kfc bowl!! Nom nom nom
I want some of wat 4:20is on
Wzzzzz happannin kfc !!!!!
For a good time what's a good time
Actually your the 29th... 30th Bitches!
8:01-8:06 triflin bitch
Kfc is gross! Like, PETA, ppl! Look at those Poor animals!!! That's so cruel!
Anybody wants to see my asshole ?
Stay classy Vancouver...
8:06 you piece of shit!
That's all me fuckers all 20!!! My board fuckers! MINE
PETA stands for people eating tasty animals
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