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  • i think she meant that the roster was "full" meaning it wasn't an option anymore, so it was hypothetical, like she was tired of being his fuck buddy, so wanted to date him or just be friends.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:29pm
  • is there a fuck buddy minor league? he could chill there till someone is injured in game.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:22pm
  • If a woman gave me a dating ultimatum in the form of a sports analogy, I would probably just propose to her on the spot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 7:44pm
  • This woman belongs on sports center

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:43pm
  • Pull a Favre, who wants to pound what many guys are already pounding?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 6:53am
  • Dating wouldnt even be an option if she has many fuck buddies I agree with 3:29

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:50pm
  • I totally have to borrow this one. That's the best shit I've heard in a while....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 12:14pm
  • If a guy said that no one would say slut double standard for women

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:39pm
  • well 3:26, atleast we know you can read

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:30pm
  • lololol fucking hilarious!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 10:37pm
  • Smart girl

    Submitted by shiloh1luv on Mar 3, 11 at 10:59am
  • 457 the argument wasn't about what she meant, the argument was about what she said and how it made her look. For example I want to give her a facial, and mean a mud mask and day at the spa. However the intial statement was poorly worded so that some people would bitch me out calling me a degrading asshole when I was actually trying to be nice...Hence the stupidity of her statement

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 5:11pm
  • So your not attracted to him, so you want to "date" for free meals? Your a loser just tell him your not interested.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 5:52pm
  • I personally love the analogy and unlike some men posting on here--actually understand what she meant. She's not a whore, in other words.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 4:57pm
  • She's a fucking slut!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:35pm
  • Send him over here, my fb team still has one opening

    Submitted by hotgeekgirl on Dec 3, 11 at 12:34am
  • well i understand it but a better choice of words would of been the fuck buddies team is folding

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 2:34pm
  • lol it is funny..dont take it so seriously crap!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 7:40pm
  • 326 mustn't take everything so literally. Obviouslly she's ill of what has been going on between the two of them. Very smartly put, texted!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:41pm
  • The statement in itself is just dumb. basically it says I have a ton of fuck buddies and plan on keeping them( hence not switching him out with alternate fuck buddy), but you can date me. ie I am a whore and will continue the fuck buddies while you date me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:26pm
  • well, now that we now you have a long list of fuck buddies, I don't think anyone would want to date you. looks like you twoare friends.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 10, 09 at 8:29pm
  • team four....RUN FUCKER RUN.....?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:22pm
  • hhaahahahahaha

    Submitted by Takin_A_Shit on Dec 3, 10 at 12:35am
  • Omg!! I would have purposesd to you on the spot!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 26, 09 at 10:47am
  • Ok this broad is fucking awesome

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 7:15pm
  • Wow, you sound like quite a twat.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 4:10pm
  • I'm so going to use this one with the guy I've been seeing....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 9:56pm
  • Way to fail on being witty

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:26pm
  • Sept 22 322. I agree team 4 run. Or just tell her my dating team is full as well as my friends.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 4:04pm
  • how is this a good night? can't be fuck buddy...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 7:23pm
  • omfg im soooooo using this hahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 10:28pm
  • hmm i'm guessing he went with team four...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:18pm
  • Portland, Oregon 503. He probably smokes too much weed that's why the analogy was needed

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:29am
  • lmfao i love this its a fkn wiiiin.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 23, 09 at 6:28pm
  • Hey, 309? Yeah. Fuck you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 24, 10 at 7:26pm
  • you guys just think way the fuck too much...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 4:48pm
  • So your not attracted to him, so you want to "date" for free meals? Your a loser just tell him your not interested.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 5:52pm
  • i wonder what kind of team she's talking about. . . . . and how many on the roster? tennis or basketball? cricket or baseball? and if it's a post season roster, well, that's a pretty full dance card!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 5:49am
  • I could not agree more.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:33pm
  • What she is trying to say and what she is saying are 2 different animals. The proper analogy would be that the fuck buddies team has been contracted, or the fuck buddies where eliminated from playoff contention. I personally don't give a shit what she said. She just looks like an idiot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 4:09pm
  • 341 "texted" isnt a word..why must you butcher the English language

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 4:06pm
  • 339 based on the rationale as to why she was a from literal translation dating a guy and having a "full roster" of fuck buddies, would that not label her in the whore category? As would be the same distinction for a male. So save your double standard bullshit, until it is applicable

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 4:11pm