I would absolutely get along with the person who sent this. Shoes are fucking important.
Of course, I'd also think he was a piece of shit if he was wearing bad shoes. Like crocs or something equally asinine.
I get, like REALLY turned on by guys wearing sandals. Leather sandals. Like being upfront to the whole fucking world and telling them I don't give a fuck u think I look like a douchebag. And they walk like nothing. Sometimes they will smoke cigarrettes as they walk in their sexy leather sandals. Oftentimes wear skintight clothes too.
fap time
can the OP tell us exactly why the guy is piece of shit? Didn't put down the toilet seat? Maybe told her to STFU? Maybe didn't listen to her whine about bloating or how her tits hurt during her period? Asked her to --gasp -- swallow or take it up the ass?
Ok. Am I like the only one that realizes that this app is just for fun and not to be taken seriously? It's a creative version of fml. People, calm down.
6:38 I'm the one who said I love NM. I don't live there. My best friend moved back there and I go visit her and so far it doesn't suck. I'm going during the winter:) The mountains will be beautiful.
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