Umm, I hope that you guys realize Sparks no longer has caffeine in it anymore, which defeats the purpose of drinking it. Joose is where it's at now. Tastes a bit more like pop and a bit less like shit. Higher alcohol content too, either 9.0% or 9.9% depending on the flavor.
You retards are missing it he is out being social playing drinking games with friends and your pussy bitch asses are glued to a computer reading about people having fun!!!!!
sparks is not pussy shit. sparks are for fuckboys. genuine one hundred percent fuckboys. anyone who can funnel a spark is a man, or a poser. in this case youre a fucking poser because you arent a fuckboy 09! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooooo homo! i beer bonged grey goose and orange juice and didnt feel cool enough to txt someone about it....oh wait all my friends were at the party to witness it
Sparks is an alcoholic energy drink. How is that a pussy drink? It's a redbull with alcohol content. I'm almost 100% postive all of you idiots saying that sparks is a "pussy" drink have had a red bull or some energy beverage. If what you say is socially true. Then technically you're a bigger pussy for drinking am energy drink without any alcohol in it AT ALL. Shut the fuck up you moron. I would loveto kill all of you
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