Goodness you people suck at Latin
"Si hoc legre scis nemium eruditionis habes" should be "Si hoc legere scis (better is potes) nimium eruditionis habes"
This one is worse: "Latinus est mortum linguam sed ea potest esse dicere" = Latina est lingua mortua sed dici potest.
It may be a dead lanuage but that doesnt mean its not taught and can not be spoken. Only problem is im sure when latin wasnt a dead lanuage it prolly had different pronounciations and such
2:22 you're really gonna bust 1:26's balls over a typographical error? I know it's a dumb joke everyone learns day one but still....Errare Humanun Est.
6:14 stop being a smart ass prick the kinda person that thinks your better than everybody else.... Nobody else knows that Latin isn't a fucking language so why don't you go get a fucking life.... The end:)
This was hilarious for me. As a translator (I speak 8 different languages fluently), I love doing that to people. Something doesn't give enough effect in English, so you switch to a language where the 'emotion' is more vivid (as English is a poor language). Actually, when I first only spoke Spanish, French, and Latin while I was learning Italian, I oftentimes switched to another language if I didn't know a certain word. More often than not, the point gets across.
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