had to check his id this morning to remember his name.... i was wayy off
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that john denver is full of shit man!
Happened last night while he was peeing before we went at it -- had to sneak a wallet peak. Then after we finished I had to look again.
Samsonite....I was WAY off
I bet he didn't rememebr your name either.....and...he didn't care
Samsonite!! I was wayy off!!
I did that once, and I read his fake ID....whooops
Starts with an S! Let's see. Swim? Swammi? Slippy? Slappy? Swenson? Swanson?..............Samsonite...I was way off!
The next time you open your legs for some random dong, please let it be me.
Been there. Done that.
I'm a little teapot.....
I don't usually say this but... These pretzels are making me thirsty.
In soviet russia I.d checks you.
Nasty bitches like that are why condoms and abortions exist just burn ur vagina off now
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