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  • yeah i peed on one in walmart went out to my car and checked it shew thank god wasnt pregnant. (done this twice lol)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 11:19pm
  • 4:33, if it was a drug test they would/should already know the answer, that's probably why everyone's assuming its a PT. & good luck- i've had to run out to cvs during my break & do the test at work before...and i was working for the government at the time =/

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 7:10pm
  • I peed on one at a zaxbys and walmart

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 5:43pm
  • I peed on one in a Best Buy bathroom

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 14, 09 at 5:20am
  • Been there done that! lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 6:53pm
  • I prefer taco bell lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 14, 09 at 2:38am
  • Luck. Not lick, luck!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 4:14pm
  • Yeah, I found out I preggo in a fazolis

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 3:33pm
  • I have done that, Good Luck! I hope you get the results you are looking for

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 6:40pm
  • Wow all of you are dumbasses

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 1:19pm
  • first is the worst.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 1:05pm
  • Crossing fingers for ya!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 1:22pm
  • I peed on one in the McDonalds restroom once. N Good luck!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 1:40pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 1:03pm
  • Not surprised that this my area code.... Also wouldn't be surprising if she's in 8th grade too :/

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 14, 09 at 1:31am
  • If you are talking about a pregnancy test I've so been there so done that lol!! Feel your pain!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 1:53pm
  • Hey just cause everyone automatically thinks it's a Pergo test... Could be something else! If you catch my drift

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 4:33pm
  • I'm sure who posted this is jannelle . . . From o'side. . . Whore haha btw walmart, her favorite store lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 2:53am
  • Worst. Feeling. Ever! Good lick girl!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 4:13pm
  • I hope you werent in Raleigh when you wrote this. Saw a used preg. test in a stall there like a week or 2 ago. GROSS

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 7, 09 at 12:07pm
  • 1:56 How do you pee on one in your car? That seems like it would not work out to well...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 10:06pm
  • Oh 760. You never cease to amaze me!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 14, 09 at 2:45am
  • If your talking about a pregnancy test, totally peed on one in wal-mart. I was nervous too, but on the bright side, I'm not pregnant (:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 8:10pm
  • 3:33 you obviously have no class what so ever to even think about going into fazoliz and not only did you eat in that god awful place but you found out you were pregnant there, what are you 16 and living in the backwoods?

    Submitted by LillyWasaleski on Jun 7, 10 at 8:33am
  • Oh sweetheart Good luck... i've so been there

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 1:20pm