I was so high I couldn't tell if they were goosebumps or herpes.
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If it don't puss it's a must
I get high all the time and have never thought that I have herpes. Maybe u should stop being such a dirty fuckin whore and u wouldn't get herpes...Michael furgeson wears lipstick
In Russia, Herpes goosebumps YOUUUUUUU
well, you're about to find out.
it was gooseherpes my dear.
If you are that high and stupid you shouldn't be fucking on the off chance that you might reproduce.
In Russia, this is normal.
3:06...haha! in soviet russia, road forks you!
Anyone else smell a warm shit?
Maybe her skin was irritated from the salt falling off the HUGE amount of pretzels she's been eating?
Let's all hope for your sake they were goosebumps, but then again, the could have been genital warts. Ew.
and I am sure you were so high you couldn't tell if that was your ass you just stuck your head in, or the oven....
this makes no sense.
I don't know what type of girl you are fuckkng buy I obviously she doesn't have goose bumps on her cooch
Nibble at it a little bit; if it squirts pus in your mouth, it was herpes.
@ 3:23. Fuckin' Gross.
Say,would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? There a little melted, but damn are they exquisite !
This is the dumbest thing I have ever read.
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