12:36, you know the Bible says not to judge people, so stop shaking your head in contempt at people who don't have the same convictions as you. I'm a Christian who happened not to wait until marriage, but until I found a guy I truly loved. By the same token, anyone who thinks sex before marriage is absolutely fine, stop dissing people who disagree. When will people learn that everyone has different opinions?
Sigh. I hate bible-humpers who try to spew their bullshit on everyone else. Believe whatever you'd like to believe. But stop trying to convince me that there's an almighty "Him" and don't take pity on me for "rejecting God's love". We all have opinions. Next time keep them to yourself and I'll keep mine.
because she didn't feel ready for it, because she was young, because she didn't feel like it? there's an infinate amount of reasons. not everyone takes it so seriously.
Firstly, 12:36, you're a cold bitch. You're going to be extremely disappointed when you actually do have sex. My first time hurt...badly. I guess that's what I get for having such a well endowed boyfriend, but I digress...it wasn't the magical, soul bonding experience that you're probably thinking it is. So get off of your high horse. Maybe if you weren't such a bitch, then someone would WANT to have sex with you. I'm not buying this whole "save it for marriage" crap.
And there are some, like myself, who take sex very seriously and believe that one should save themself for marriage. I can only shake my head in contempt when reading some of the posts on this website. The sins of others tend to amuse me. No one appreciates funny sex stories quite as much as a virgin. They provide insight concerning "what not to do."
Saving it for marriage is plain stupid. If your going to fuck one person for the rest of your life you should at least know if your going to enjoy it or not. Or if they are too kinky for you to handle. Imagine pulling anal beads out of your ass on your wedding night.
I love these comments. I'm a chick, and I just had that awkward conversation recently with a male friend of mine. I was raped my first time, he was my best friend, and I made sure his first time was MAGICAL. No Jesus involved.
Submitted by
on Jul 27, 11 at 11:28pm
Ok well the whole anti-bible argument is crap and there are actual logical proofs for the verification of the bible and it is logically impossible for the world to be created without there being a god or some type of designer.
If you insist on being stupid:
Remember, Martin Luther said: if the Bible does not say you can't do something, you can.
God gave us a gift, the gift of sex?! What the fuck?what about the nerve that goes from the brain, around the heart and back up to the throat. That isn't the shortest route. An intelligent designer would go the shortest way. It is in fact proof of evolution, as that is the fastest route in fishes. Go on, aurprise me, tell me I'm wrong.
Anything after taking a girl's virginity sucks, hell taking a girls virginity sucks. They just plain suck! Especially when they sit there and cry. You think that helps me stay hard???
Why conversation? After my first time we split a cigarette, took a nap, went again, split another cigarette, and both of us went home pretty happy. I was sore as hell, but it was worth it haha. Fuck conversation.
6:46 you're absolutely wrong... 1. guys can be raped in the back, and 2. sometimes it's a bodily reaction, whether the guy wants or doesn't want to be party to it
12:36 okay, actual logical proofs produced by the Vatican maybe. But your a fucking retard. It is scientifically proven through carbon dating and the theory of evolution that our human race evolved from apes and the universe was formed from the collision of teo super novae. Look that shut up
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