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  • 1:30, yes, sometimes, but tfln is probably one of the worst places to get sex advice.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:42pm
  • First 1:42 PM, in a perfect world, nobody is as pathetically shallow as you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:39pm
  • This is more like FML material, am I wrong?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:38pm
  • That's funny come on people

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10, 10 at 12:44pm
  • love that Birthday Blow J is capitalized. Should be a national institution.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 4:08pm
  • im a guy and i like a girl licking my nipples, so ive got to imagine that a girl, with more sensative nipples, would enjoy her titties being played with

    Submitted by StankyBritches52 on Apr 28, 11 at 8:25pm
  • I feel sorry for this poor fat slut :(

    Submitted by bigdreamer on Apr 18, 10 at 5:33am
  • this made me chuckle

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:12pm
  • do chicks really like it when you grab a tit?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:30pm
  • Wake up call

    Submitted by fullcream on Jul 19, 11 at 8:45am
  • girls hate it when you grab a tit. also stay away from the clitoris, it causes them extreme pain

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:49pm
  • 1:49 hilarious. I hope you are using sarcasm! LOL

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:30pm
  • You're not first douche bag

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:24pm
  • Blow J sounds like a second rate rapper--just say blowjob!!

    Submitted by maddywoo on Mar 9, 11 at 2:12pm
  • The worst is fat birds with no boobs.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 6:42pm
  • Easy killers. All i am saying is there isn't any reason you have a fat roll as big as a titty! How the fuck do you have a fat roll being under weight 5'6" 115?? Hmm! 5'4" 111 and there arent fat rolls on me!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 5:02pm
  • sexyyy u need to text me (717) sevan two four sevan five two one

    Submitted by yummy6969 on Jun 16, 11 at 12:05am
  • It's fucktards like 3:33 that are responsible for anorexia and bulimia. Who doesn't have a fat roll when they bend over?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 4:49pm
  • I just peed in my pants a little

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 29, 09 at 1:22am
  • I'm a little teapot...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 7:07pm
  • Why did he ever want a blowjob from a fat girl in the first place?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:35pm
  • i think 1:49 was being sarcastic.... and yes tits and clits always love being touched.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:04pm
  • Every girl is different, they all have different buttons. The lesson guys is that it is up to you to find those buttons.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 17, 09 at 12:01am
  • nope they hate it. the only thing they like is anal.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:03pm
  • It's not fake. It's just about a fat person. I hate fat people. Go to a gym. Stay out of McD's. Fuck. I hate you!

    Submitted by itextedurmom on Mar 12, 10 at 12:49am
  • Um wouldn't u know for sure what the guy grabbed? If u can't tell the difference between your boob and a fat roll .... U must be fucking huge. And what guy asks "you're not wearing a bra" they don't give a shit. Makes it one less step for them. Lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 17, 09 at 12:43am
  • He missed a titty? Has he never seen a woman before or is this txt fake and unfunny

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 17, 09 at 1:46am
  • 5:58 has man boobs and a dick the size of a pencil eraser. Pathetic.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 9:46pm
  • lmao........kinda douche bagish though

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 8:46pm
  • This is disgusting and hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:32pm
  • I dated a girl that could climax from playing with her breasts. I miss her. FML.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 5:01pm
  • Lmfaooo! What a fool!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 1:10am
  • ew. stop being a chubbie maybe.

    Submitted by anonnn on Jan 13, 10 at 12:10pm
  • 2:35 I've gotten one... extremely underrated. Trust me, they know what they're doing down there.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:50pm
  • Omg I love my clit and tits messed with. A guy who thinks otherwise is a virgn.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 6:44pm
  • 2:39 p is a fat chick

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 19, 09 at 2:58pm
  • 1:30 I love it when they're grabbed and yes I'm a girl And 4:49 I agree, I' 115 and 5'6'' and I get little pudge rolls when I bend over. That's all though.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 4:55pm
  • 3:33 can you say cunt?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:54pm
  • lmfaooo tubby bitch, im dyinng at this, but i don't see the logistics of how he grabbed a fat roll if you were on your knees unless your fat above the boobs. or even if you were laying on him lmfaoo wtf i dont get it but your defff huggeee.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 4:54pm
  • 3:04 - naw, just take 2 fat rolls and hold them together

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:13pm
  • LOL whoever sent this in is a real dbag! i would cry if this were me sending it to a friend and i read it here!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 17, 09 at 5:24pm
  • 1:49 my girls LOVES her tits & nipples played with & goes crazy when I tounge flick the clit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:59pm
  • classy new jersey.... 1:41- what were you trying to say......

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:49pm
  • Thats fucking nasty and he's an idiot if he doesn't know where to grab.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 7:19pm
  • Made me laugh. Fucktards like 3:33 need to seriously lighten up.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 7:04pm
  • Im first. You noob.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:28pm
  • This is more of a FML moment

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 5:51pm
  • 2:35 that's the ONLY thing you do with a fattie

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:43pm
  • Sounds like someone needs to loose about 200 pounds if someone is grabbing a 38 DDD fat roll. SB

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:01pm
  • Damn,diet or workout I feel bad for u

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 18, 09 at 3:19pm
  • Fat girls work harder at it and they don't let any go to waste. Cum is a major part of their diet.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:58pm
  • In a perfect world there shouldn't be any fat rolls to grab, this is your fault, you heffer. 1:30, my girl loves it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:42pm
  • i love it when guys grab me andddd the clitoris.. amazing you guys suck at advice

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 5:32pm
  • Where is the pretzel person? I love the pretzel person much better than bacon!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 11:55pm
  • 2:39, how the hell does that make me shallow? In a perfect world, people get their diction right.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 10:38pm
  • You can write blow but not job?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 19, 09 at 1:42am
  • This is 2009, everyone is skinny, or should be! IF you have a fat roll, sweetie, maybe you should call Jenny, or join the y. Then you can have a pick of what guy you give a BJ to...and then he won't think the next day that he made horrible mistake by getting a little chub love!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:33pm
  • U both deserve that

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 17, 09 at 1:01am
  • 3:33 eat me u dumb fuck. stupid shallow ass hoe ahhahaahhahaha u sound so ignorant. fight me noww.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 5:09pm
  • Ehhh, a blow job is a blow job. . . . . Fatties try harder too!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:50pm
  • FML indeed......but it would be a YDI. a gym membership doesn't hurt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 6:35pm
  • ok first yuu either put bj or blow job....not blow j!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 7:02pm
  • ☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 6:26pm
  • So he grabbed ur FUPA?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 11:52pm
  • We all know that at some point in our life that has happened. Most of us tend to not say our internal thoughts out loud though.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 4:42pm
  • soo much hate on fat chicks. i'd rather meet than skin and bones. ew...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 11:52pm
  • 2:39, how the hell does that make me shallow? In a perfect world, people get their dicks in right.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 10:43pm
  • I heard fat chicks give the best bjs. Just sayin.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 5:09pm
  • 149 obviously never got laid

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 2:17pm
  • Fat people are immoral.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 7:47pm
  • This text is disgusting...why would you ever share this with someone??

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 11:50pm
  • U kno this girl definitely got the pussy pudge

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:57pm
  • I just threw up in my mouth

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 1:59pm
  • Does someone have to throw flower on your pussy so they can locate it before they fuck you?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 3:04pm
  • that is soooooo disgudting. The OP should just shoot herself and make the world a better place to live in

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 17, 09 at 2:09am
  • Fat chicks need love too, but they have to pay.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 16, 09 at 4:18pm