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  • Would this have been published if the text said "black girl" instead of white?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:35pm
  • 1. how is it shame on you for him cheating on you once. 2. why is is different if he cheats on you with a white girl 3. white girls are awesome 4. dump his ass if he cheats PERIOD damn some people are ridiculous

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:08pm
  • No I think its a black girl text. But white girls do it better (;

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:57pm
  • wow this thread is too racist it 2009 people get over yourselves!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:17pm
  • white chics are da best

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:55pm
  • He proly just wanted a BJ. Everyone knows black girls don't like to give head

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:04pm
  • what's wrong with white girls?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:54pm
  • White girls are GREAT

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:55pm
  • Kanye West hates white girls.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:36pm
    • that's OK most of the civilized world hates Kanye West

      Submitted by Starphyre on Sep 7, 11 at 8:16am
  • White girls, you're no better than black girls. Black girls, you're no better than white girls.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:57pm
  • I saw this on tv. Lame.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:55pm
  • I'm a white girl who would like to distance herself from the ignorant cattiness of the white girls above. Sorry about that, black girls. You're not any hairier than an Italian, Russian, or Romanian, and you can't even tell as easily!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:09pm
  • haha 410-- good point, it's probably because she's black, and couldn't get the darn phrase right.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:21pm
  • Yeah, and those of us white girls who ARE in IR relationships with black guys have dealt with this sentiment at some point in our relationships, and we don't spout off things like, "it's because we suck dick better". We stick by our man's side and love them even if some people don't like it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:32pm
  • 4:13 #1 - Calling white women whores because they aren't black *golf clap* I'm sorry for your mental retardation and obvious ignorance.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:16pm
  • And men are still getting away with grossly ignorant statements about women that would never be sanctioned if about a racial minority. There's still kinks in the system. Get over it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:45pm
  • whats up 905...from 458. people think i'm racist from what i wrote little do they know....just writing my experiences

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:10pm
  • my korean parents get disappoint when my bf isn't korean too. this is more about culture than it is about insulting white girls. also, we don't know the op is black. thank you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:55pm
  • "like OMG! some presumably black chick said something ambiguously derogatory about cheating hypotheticals on an anonymous website that mentioned white girls. whatever we have to prove how much more awesome we are than black girls for reals you guys. don't be afraid to be shallow and racist and flaunt how much like whores we are."

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:13pm
  • Because when they hear "HO DOWN" they think their mama got shot !!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:21am
  • Hold on... How do we know it's a black OP? Could it not be an Asian, Hispanic, or even Indian? Just sayin' lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:40pm
  • You cheat on me once, shame on me. You cheat on me with a black girl, it's fucking over.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:52pm
  • Muhfuckas need to stop being so racist - damn

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:25pm
  • it's over cause he'll probably leave you for her.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:34pm
  • racist much? what a bitch. we all know white chicks do it 100% better.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:47pm
  • hey 4:07 shouldnt it be that cheating in general is wrong not just that its with a white girl?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:22pm
  • a thousand thumbs up 5:07. i didn't get the promotion because i'm darker than you, i received the promotion because i worked harder and achieved more than you. and like 5:06 pointed out, i probably faced more obstacles than you in spite of it all.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:11pm
  • I plan to marry IR. Guess I'm partly to blame for the end of the world...and the end of the German race...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:39pm
  • crazy black bitch? see you on maury

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:02pm
  • What's funny is black women hate when black guys date white girls, yet if that didn't happen we wouldn't have Obama who they all went crazy for...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:11pm
  • the OP quoted somebody while dumping her loser boyfriend. it makes sense

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:01pm
  • Amen 7:59. Like WTF. Everyone talks shit on the white folks. Hah. You cheat on a white girl with a black bitch, oh fuck.... You're gross.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:57pm
  • (706): You cheat on me once, shame on me. You cheat on me with a black girl, it's fucking over OMG SUDDENLY ITS RACIST

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:40pm
  • whats sad about 7 nigs driving off a cliff in a escalde? escalde holds 8

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:12pm
  • Lois must have written the book on man pleasing. Unfortunately, Loretta doesn't allow white literature in our household.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:09pm
  • I saw this on tv. RACIST.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:04pm
  • For all the ignorant people saying that we are "segregating ourselves" because we've started enterprises like BET and Ebony magazine...take a good look at television programs, magazines, most universities; they all cater to the white population! We must create things that celebrate and explore our culture because the mainstream media isn't doing that, think about it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 23, 09 at 5:32pm
  • Good to know in the event that a black girl makes an irrational, territorial claim on her boyfriend, white girls go batshit crazy about how much prettier and sluttier they are...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:39pm
  • This WOULD happen in 706.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:20pm
  • I think the anonymity of this site helps to show that racism is still very much alive and well. 2009 or not, people just walk on eggshells b/c so many people pull the "black card" and all that bs

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:32pm
  • What's wrong with white girls!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 2:48am
  • Seriously, I, as a white women, have the power to fuck up a relationship and another race can't. This is bullshit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 24, 09 at 7:07pm
  • no dude wants (most) black chicks cuz they are annoyng, have attitude, and loud as fuck. all they care about is themselves. we want white chicks cuz they are much hotter, nicer, quiter, and for the most part not annoying

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:55pm
  • If this was said by a white girl

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:58pm
  • ha h 4:59 (2). i'm actually white but that's funny. and whoever aid white girls don't have asses or boobs???? i could go there but i won't...clearly in this text white girls have something otherwise they wouldn't be cheating.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:09pm
  • fuck everybody who has put any kind of racist remark on here. you all can go to hell.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 24, 09 at 11:26pm
  • So how do u guys know this girl is black? She could easily be Asian Indian or Latina.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:14pm
  • jesus christ how many racists are there? no wonder whoever said this in the first place didn't want her bf to cheat with a white girl. judging by some of these responses, we're all ignorant twats.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 4, 09 at 11:12am
  • If a white person said "you cheat on me with a BLACK girl, it's over" it would be a huge fucking deal

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:13pm
  • You shouldn't generalize and stereotype....grow up!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:19pm
  • I'm just waiting for someone dumb enough to drag Obama into this.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:34pm
  • helllllll naaah !!! fucking white gurls... (sigh)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 10, 09 at 11:42pm
  • i love a good side-ass and aint nothin easier to fuck than a white girl...they spread their legs fast. love you guys...really. black girls, most of you put it down better, its just more work to get it. and before you try and guess...i am indian.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 4:49pm
  • You don't know this person is black.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 2:58am
  • 7:33... Actually white ppl usually keep their mouths shut. We never open our mouths and join hands and fight. I guess we still feel like we "owe you" for the slavery thing. Shit, half the time were the ones paying for yr minority-benefitting scholarships.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:42pm
  • No, black ppl have chips on their shoulders, and claim racism every chance they get. But THEYRE the ones who create the barrier by claiming it in te first place

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:08pm
  • 11:12, you know someone who is purple?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 2:46am
  • I love being a white chick don't hate

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 7:54am
  • I blame Obama. ...Just kidding!!! Rofl!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:37pm
  • Damn, guys. Gettin bitchy bout the black girls.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:03pm
  • White girl here. Currently fucking a black man. Don't hate.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 2:42pm
  • racism exists. own it. it's far more subtle than separate water fountains or slavery, but you still have employers denying promotions to qualified black women saying they've got two strikes - being black and female. and so on. white people, i have nothing against you and i appreciate your efforts to level the playing field. but you still look out for your own. please stop crying reverse discrimination when we do the same.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:13am
  • aight. i got plenty more but im done. by the way black kids were telling me these... just sayin

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:14pm
  • Aren't you a stupid little bitch, 8:05. Stop going to tanning salons to turn your pasty skin burnt orange if you wanna insult ethnic chicks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:12pm
  • 659-- yeah, u guys still act the same as u did way-back-when... Try evolving and acting less animalistic.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:00pm
  • 4:10 it's her fault b/c she couldn't keep her man happy... like a white girl could

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:13pm
  • Where all the white women at?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:53pm
  • 4:58, I'm from a large Ohio suburb who graduated with a 4.215 GPA and so many of my fellow students at the University of Chicago assume I'm only received my many scholarships and awards because I'm black. I work my fat ass off to excell academically and it is an insult anytime a white person thinks I can't be better than them, I can only be black.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:07pm
  • Black bitches have nasty hootches. Nothing finer than a nice tight white pussy that I can slip my hot tongue into !

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 7:01pm
  • It's usually the biggest pieces of shit Caucasian folk who are racist. The only way they can feel better about themselves is to make up nonsense about white superiority to find someone less than them.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:04pm
  • 601-when I was at the bar Saturday, I'd say that 85% of ALL the chicks, white, black, Latino and other were like that!-556

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:07pm
  • they havent figured out how to steal houses yet

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:11pm
  • the text and the posts are both is colorblind. Black girls need to stop hating on white girls for being with black guys. Why do black girls always get mad about white girls dating black guys but you never hear white girls getting mad about black girls with white guys?. Let's stop the double standard. I think women of all skin colors are beautiful..I don't think one does it better than the other..that's all just dumb bullshit. Stop the ignorance, stop the racisim, start the love and peace.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:32pm
  • ha. im a white girl who dated a black guy. he cheated on me with another white girl. guess what. ITS STILL FUCKING CHEATING. PERIOD. the fact that you got it off of a show is more acceptable. but if your actually using it in context and you mean it, then your fuckin stupid.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:11pm
  • Poster below. Do u have tourettes

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:43pm
  • Ahahahaaha!!! Iove jokes. What's the difference between dog poo and a black person? When dog poo gets old it turns white and quits stinking.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:29pm
  • Cheat on me, and it's aight, lie to me about it, I chop dem ballz off.

    Submitted by soccerleah7 on May 25, 10 at 11:17pm
  • Racist bitch Fuck u, your just mad cuz the white girl can do it better than u

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 11:20am
  • Why the fuck does it matter if the girls black or white. Either way your ass got cheated on. Plus, I can't believe you ignorant bastards are really arguing about race(which shouldn't be a factor anyways) on a fucking iPod application. Sometimes I really think most Americans have down syndrome.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:26pm
  • I'm pretty sure this quote was on a show....without the colorful language of course...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:29pm
  • Why r black ppl allowed to day whatever the fuck they want

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:59pm
  • And everyone just ignores the fact that this is from that show Sheri on's ripped off LAME!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:50pm
  • 'cause you know you'll never be as good as a white girl, so he'll never go back to you?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:15pm
  • (5:23) your whats wrong with the world, seek mtv and suicide

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:31pm
  • well 4:39, white people can say that all they want but the truth is white people don't get any freebies and crying reverse racism, even if it's true is all to often ignored...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:45pm
  • Hey, guess what? I'm of the human race, and I date based on personality and how I click with a person, not taking into account their skin color before deciding to date them. Isn't love blind?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 24, 09 at 12:04am
  • White chix can be like that too tho!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:56pm
  • I'm a White girl. I am classy but I'm loud and crazy too. I'm not easy but that doesn't mean I'm prude either. I'm adopted by a Jamaican family and guys of all different races like me. Personality is not basedon race.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 10, 09 at 12:17am
  • What's lame is how many of you know where this quote is from. "lifetime show about black lady on the view" <<

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:08pm
  • You go watermelonandrea

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:25pm
  • This was a quote from Sheri Sheppards show. LAME!!

    Submitted by IdRatherBeDrunk on Apr 1, 10 at 2:24pm
  • I feel like when black men date white women they aren't even picky! They will take any sumo monster with moon craters on her face even if she weighs 600 pounds. Sorry but as a black girl if you dick has been in the I'm not interested anyway. also most black women do not want to date black men who mostly date white women. They tend to have issues with women or do not associate well with. Their own race or mother...just an fyi

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 10:59am
  • Dude WTF. Black and Mexican chicks are freaking nasty. Think I'd rather fuck a horse.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:48pm
  • Pretty sure I'd kill myself if I was black I love being white :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 24, 09 at 3:55pm
  • Most nizzers r white now days u guys talking like there isn't millions of cracked out white criminals running around I guess u never heard of the meth epidemic

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:46pm
  • So white girls think they were slighted, and decide to fight back with racism and useless bragging about how better they are because they're white? Did I miss something these past five decades?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:58pm
  • 557 I did, but we are not going to get into a pissing contest on a website designed for humor.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:09pm
  • 5:34, would you also like to factor in SAT and ACT scores, extracurricular activities, volunteer activities, awards, etc.?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:57pm
  • FUCK ALL RACISTS!!!!!!!! idiotss. it doesn't matter the race it matters what way the person was raised, how the were raised, etc. so fuck all assholes who think that their race is better than others. we are all humans so that makes us all equal so fick off. btw I am a 18 yr old White girl

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 11:04pm
  • It was Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture and in 1976 he said: "the only thing the coloreds are looking for in life are tight pussy, loose shoes and a warm place to shit" He was a visionary!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 2:12am
  • This black girls mean.... Why should it matter if she was white? Racist fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:51pm
  • Good to know in the event that a black girl makes an irrational, territorial claim on her boyfriend, white girls go batshit crazy about how much prettier and sluttier they are...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:39pm
  • all of us non-caucasians are with you, 7:53. the more traditional your parents, the more important it is to preserve ethnicity. my parents aren't racist against white people but they want me to be proud of my heritage and not look like i've sold out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:56pm
  • But it's not hate or discrimination when it's posed to the white girl...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:38pm
  • Aha TIGER WOODS!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 21, 10 at 3:53pm
  • White girls are more eager to please their man.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 5:38pm
  • alright.... black joke time. anyone in? why do black people have nice cars but shitty houses?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:11pm
  • i didnt read i love white chicks

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:42pm
  • 650 every1 has mentioned tht so what are u tlkn about

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:55pm
  • Fuck u both 621 458 is an arrogant ass who clearly thinks she's better than everyone of a different skin tone. Since when is such a false stereotype acceptable

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:32pm
  • God, I hate it when white people whine about their place in the world. It's not been easy for you for maybe the past decade, if that. Gain a little perspective.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:32pm
  • not only did she steal this quote from that show on lifetime, she also misquoted it to where it makes no sense. good job.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:01pm
  • 11:04 I totally agree

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 11:05pm
  • Ok ok slow down everyone and let's try to understand ond another . Like why don't black folks like country music?????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:20am
  • 9:18, that is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read. Ever stop to think why a few benefits are in place for racial minorities? Before your kind rewarded a few of us for the color of our skin, you were holding us back behind less qualified but lily white people.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:59pm
  • Haha too Funny that people feel the need to Preach on tfln, it's Cute

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:33pm
  • i was that (i gues slightly ignorant) girl who wrote 4:58. more power to you if you are succeful, it's all about motivation. there's nothing sexier than a successful black man....but that's when the black girls get mad at whitey for making my move:(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:23pm
  • Okay this all makes me sick. It's not your fault if you were born into a white or black family so shut the Fuck up.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 2, 10 at 1:59am
  • Also, I'm surprised to see how many people watch that stupid Sheri show.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 8:52am
  • why are there always more blak people hit by cars in the winter than the summer? they are easier to hit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:26pm
  • This would only make sense if "white" was replaced with any other color

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:54pm
  • 7:42, what would you be fighting for as white people? What insidious stereotype/judgment about your race thwarts your position and progress in society?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:45pm
  • This is all bullshit!! I'm black and I would have no problem fucking a white guy.. As long as he's hot and tall! And no, race is not a factor! Black guys aren't bigger..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 3:52am
  • 507 not to be a dick, but University of Chicago you need a lot higher than a 4.215 to get in . Especially the medical school. How do I know this? I graduated a Chicago suburb with a 4.45 GPA and a 34 ACT. I am also a white male...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:34pm
  • I'd like a sister to go down on me but her hair is so fugging greasy, I gave nothing to grab

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 4:29pm
  • Ur jus jealous u don have that pink pussy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 3:33pm
  • if we're supposed to be color blind then why does the post sepcify the color of the person's skin? Just saying pretttty racist.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:58pm
  • 632 its 458- i'm really not ignorant. one of my roomates was a black girl from roughly (i'm not certain) the same background and she got a full ride, and i know it was because she was black because she told me. my other mexican roomate would get cash back to spend after her tuition, room, and board was paid!!!! are you kidding me!!! and then they would rip on me, the white girl, for being the minority in our room???? so you tell me???

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:59pm
  • wow way to take words RIGHT off a tv show.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:29pm
  • I'm an african girl, does that make me primitive? Ignorance is shown on every single post that is degrading women of color/other ethnicities. It's 2009! Let's stop the hate and actually try to understand one another!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:29pm
  • Minority Leader John Boehner doesn't think religion is a choice. Mostly because it's so convenient that most people are born into the "correct" faith.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:36pm
  • Amen sister. Wait, is that racist? Am I allowed to say that? After all, I'm not black.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:34pm
  • 7:03 and very few others are the only people with sense in this topic I see. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world hates us. We need to change our name from the UNITED states to something else because this country is far from united and never will be. We can't progress because everyone is too busy blaming everyone for their problems and feeding into stereotypes. Get over yourself people.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 7:37pm
  • 445 (1) is correct, women of every color have it worse than any race...just read any thread on this website to see what "men" really think of them

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:06pm
  • Haha how did I know this would start a racial fight as usual settle the fuck down damn

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:37pm
  • Obamas only half black, like tiger woods

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:19pm
  • I love how this is from a show on lifetime.... pretty lame that this made it and good texts dont.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:11pm
  • 7:39, that sounds like a class struggle. What if it was white criminals against white people?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:41pm
  • uhhh.... why is it shame on her if he cheats on her once? isn't that shame on him???? it would help if the initial part of the text was correct.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:10pm
  • Amen 5:11 (1) I was in the same situation, cheating is cheating!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:13pm
  • whats faster than a black man running with a tv? his lil bro running in front of him with a microwave

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:14pm
  • 816 you are a cunnnnnnnt( ps I'm white)....and goodluck being ugly and multicolored

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:36pm
  • This is from that new tv show on lifetime. Lame.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:02pm
  • anyone remember the name of the government official from the 80's who said about black men "all they want are loose shoes, a tight pussy and a warm place to shit"?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 1:59am
  • don't hate bitch. its not our fault we're preferred over ur own race.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 3:05pm
  • Hey can someone tell me if helicopters eat their young??

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:10pm
  • Quote systems suck - hire one token minority and ignore every other deserving candidate, if they're not white. Or not male. It sucks. It creates a backlash against the wrong people.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:47pm
  • White girls (99% of them) suck dick. Where most black girls don't.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 5:53am
  • 7:23... This is 7:08, I know they exist. But there's a double standard here. I live in a prodominantly white neighborhood, and a string of "push-in" attacks have been happening. The victims? Whites. The criminals? Blacks. So why don't we get to call this a racist act??

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:39pm
  • 7:08, they say the same thing about women and sexism. These things definitely exist, if you pay attention to the life experience of people different than yourself.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:23pm
  • Race war!! Race war!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:05pm
  • Couldve left out "white". Irrelevant

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:17pm
  • Oh god forbid that woulda said a black girl

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:59pm
  • . . . .  Nothing can be finer than a tight white vaginia . . In the morning.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 11:56pm
  • What's up 9:14? Cherokees are hawt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:22pm
  • i think black girls are beautiful (white girl here) i hate this fuscking bullshyit. its not about color! why does it have to be about color!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:21pm
  • Personally, I reckon racism will always be around because humans are pricks in general. So can everybody just shut the fuck up, because I for one don't have the energy to care if someone insults my skin colour or not. WHO GIVES A CRAP?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:17pm
  • 9:17....Whoa Goes both ways, watch it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:24pm
  • If white ppl had White Entertainment Television.. Or the Caucasian American Scholarship.. Al Sharpton would be all over it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:11pm
  • As a white girl I find this freaking hilarious! But it's stolen from Sherri Shepherds new show. Still funny tho.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:52pm
  • What about all the white people who like to pretend they're discriminated against, 4:32? Anytime someone of color does better, they like to think it wasn't because they didn't perform as well, it's because they're white and don't get any freebies.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:39pm
  • 706 your a racist dueche

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:24pm
  • 4:16, that was in response to the white girls bragging that unlike black girls, they love giving head and "pleasing" their men and whatnot. You're the retard for not understanding the context and jumping to conclusions.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:23pm
  • Posting ignorant things does helping in helping win the argument for your race, October 24, 4:47 p.m.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:39am
  • this was on a tv show.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:05pm
  • I'd like to tell you 4:47 #1...I'm a white girl...with a big ass...big natural boobs...and a small waist. Clearly..I have it all. :) J/K! About the having it all...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:58pm
  • Not that white stuff

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:58pm
  • The only difference between white and black girls is the color of their skin. The rest depends on personality which differs from person to person no matter what their race. You are the definition of ignorance

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 6:37pm
  • I don't wear tight jeans like the white boys but I do get wasted like the white boys lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:44pm
  • why the hell does this have to be such a racial shitshow. it's deeper than color. im a white chick... does that honestly matter? so for the white bitches being ass hole, and for the black chicks being ass holes... grow up. why's it have to be about color?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:11pm
  • three letters... K K K haha jp

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:04pm
  • People also us the "discrimination" card too often where it doesn't apply.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:55pm
  • That's fucking racist!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 17, 09 at 11:02am
  • Fuckin racist. Jealous white chicks are good lookin

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 1:35am
  • Well I'm an interracial girl who appears white and I've dated white guys, black guys, Hispanic guys, Asian guys, and I really could give a shit less about what other people think of that. And there's a ton of racism in both directions, i get to hear it all. Everyone needs to get over the color of their skin and judge a person by what really matters- personality. Idiots.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:35pm
  • White girls are just hotter. I am a black guy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:05pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:01pm
  • Haha u got cheated on. Blacks are scum!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:20pm
  • 7:14.. Religion is something that u can choose. It's a choice. It truly isn't fair that you could have an opportunity for a scholarship just bc u were born with a certain skin color. You'd say the same if you had a friend who received a scholarship for being white.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:18pm
  • haha you're such a dumbass 4:16!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:26pm
  • BAHAHA .... Pure ignorance.... Stop making excuses as to why ur bf cheated on u.... I'm pretty sure when I bf cheats on u it's because u fucking suck as a gf... He was probably tired of ur racist ass anyway , or just a tool either way you either suck as a girlfriend or you just have shitty judgement of men... :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 16, 10 at 12:20am
  • I'm Italian and Sicilian and I'm olive not white but the point is... I've dated and or had sex with white guys, black guys with a 9 inch penis, a British man, Italians, Asians, South American, and currently a buff Mexican who plays football n has a decent sized chimichanga.....I can tell you there is good n bad in all

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:42am
  • There are other girls?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:14pm
  • I love that this text started a race war on TFLN HAHHAHAHAHAA

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:48pm
  • 7:09.. Thank u for providing a funny family guy quote related to the topic... Props to you. This convo is gettin wayyyy too serious for a humor site

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:15pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:52pm
  • White chicks are just better looking tuff shit deal with it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 1:22am
  • Personally I'm a white dude who totally loves cultured girls. Especially mixed black girls and latino women. I totally plan on marrying interracial. Support mixing the races! Sorry white ladies, you're just too fucking plain.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:59pm
  • 435-- i totally agree!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:19pm
  • If your current significant other's soul and personality were somehow switched to someone of another ethnic background, would you not date them due to their appearance?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 24, 09 at 12:05am
  • Fu*k that! I'm white and proud;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 5:24am
  • You don't even have the beginning right. Once is shame on you, TWICE is shame on me. But the rest of it's kinda funny.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 2:44am
  • Racist much?

    Submitted by keb7 on Aug 5, 11 at 12:30am
  • Saying 'shame on me' after being cheated on at all shows how incredibly stupid the OP is.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 8:32am
  • Calm down, guys. Everyone's a little bit racist.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:51pm
  • Thanks 10:15. It still makes me irritates me to this day.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:54pm
  • No i probably should but i dont....But I like people with tourettes. My friend has tourettes. He yells.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:44pm
  • damn-it sounds like a bunch of ignorant, hatin' 15 year old girls here.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:26pm
  • umm chaeating wit a WHITE GURL!!!!!!!!!!! DISGUSTING... nasty ass bitches will fuck anything especially sumthing DARKER...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 2:15pm
  • the correct phrase, is once shame on you... the second time is shame on me get your phrases right.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:48pm
  • this is from a tv show laaaameeee

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 2, 09 at 7:56pm
  • Pleeeeze! Whites have been the minority in this country for years, STFU

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 23, 09 at 6:10pm
  • I'm frequently told Asians like white guys cuz white guys are hung. But if the stereotypes are really true wouldn't they just want blacks?? Life Makes No sense.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:37pm
  • I'm from Spain. I would like very much to understand why Americans consider me a colored person. It is unfathomable to Europeans. It angers Mexicans too.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:52pm
  • Lets all be fair. Atleast were not Asian or Arab.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:12pm
  • 4:29 do you have a red bush? Awesome

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:31pm
  • im white no small dick here and black girls are just as hott and classy as white girls. they're probably more classy and moral to be honest.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 31, 09 at 6:21am
  • wow...there are some really racist people out there these days.! only reason that a black man wants a white woman is cause he wants someone he can control...when he wants the good pussy that he has to fight for, he'll find himself a strong black woman. Calling an African American nappy is so beyond ignorant...yu really disgust me. Yur probably just jealous because a black woman doesn't want yur small white dick. (:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 29, 09 at 1:18pm
  • so basically, its okay if he's cheats as long as shes/hes black...okay i understand your logic now

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 23, 09 at 11:24am
  • 11:44, and you should stop pretending that white people aren't arbitrarily favored in a quieter, but far more pervasive, way.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:10am
  • -Let's not pretend that everything is on an even playing feild.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 11:46pm
  • whats the difference between black people and shit in a bucket? the bucket

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:24pm
  • The fact is, very verrrry few black girls are attractive, because nothing stands out, all their features are basically the same color..boring.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:16pm
  • It's because white people already think they're better (as evidenced here) and we don't need people with our skin color believing it too...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:02pm
  • Obama is in the white house - we in power now

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:35pm
  • My friend let a black girl lick her pussy while her bf watched!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 4:32pm
  • Black chicks fuck really good

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 8:43am
  • you're a cunt rag for even posting that but you probably already know that. there's a reason you got cheated on and i hope you always get cheated on.. with white girls :) SEE YA!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 1:04am
  • Thank you 928!! they are all jokes made to laugh at not because we all hate black people. -guy tellin jokes

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:35pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:09pm
  • this was definitely from a lifetime show starring one of the women from the view, really creative.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:43pm
  • Pssh, don't be hatin' because you aren't white. You can't have it all!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:15pm
  • 5:32, ever hear of black history month? A whole fucking month????? If whites delegated a month this country would have a shit hemmoragghe, so there's your fucking celebration, you get a whole fucking month, so suck it!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 23, 09 at 6:14pm
  • 706 from text is RACIST!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:58pm
  • I earned a scholarship for being a "person of color" and my friend whined it wasn't fair that it discriminated against white people. I also earned a scholarship just for Baptists, and he didn't seem to care he wasn't elligible as a Catholic. Reverse discrimination is a crutch for white people who don't try hard enough.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:14pm
  • once you go white, you always want it that tight

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:04pm
  • you got that from Sherri on original you dumbass

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:29pm
  • Fuck white people all cryin an shit.. We needs us our reperations

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:55pm
  • how the fuck dare some of you people. it's 2009 you shit eaters!! black White Asian African Indian American purple whatever everyone is equal bc we are all ppl born on earth like 11:04 said so stop being such assholes. if a guy cheats on a girl it his fault not u girls fault imma black guy and I think thi is bullshit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 11:12pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 10:14am
  • What a racist! Cheat on you once shame on you for being a fool... who cares what color.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 8:17am
  • 11:59 white people did hold minorities back but let's talk about the "we". Unless your old it wasn't us because I'm pretty sure being an 18 year old I had no say on holding back minorities. But because you all were held back you want special treatment. If everyone wants equality, everyone should give up their special treatment. And I never said I'm pissed because minorities get special treatment I said we are all the same. White blAck brown blue yellow, we are all still humans. Damn

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:45am
  • Hey sista, white girl pussys taste better!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:28pm
  • 4:45, people do use the excuse of "reverse discrimination" too often where it doesn't apply. A lot of white people are sore losers who blame external sources.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:54pm
  • Stupid black chicks, can't even get the saying right, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."

    Submitted by crw89 on Jan 2, 12 at 12:21pm
  • ha i love the jealousy

    Submitted by sophs on Jan 23, 10 at 4:11pm
  • He cheats on you once, shame on you. He cheats on you with a white girl, he'll never go back to your nappy ass. White girls are so much sexier, sweeter, smarter, and classier.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 3:10pm
  • Reverse racism has no place. Steeped in history, but sadly ignorant of the facts. FACT: the current YEARLY total of White women raped by black men exceeds the TOTAL number of black men lynched in the last 100 years. Sounds like a good argument for continued racism if you want to go down that route. I don't, but you can see why reverse racism seems kind of dumb.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 7:25am
  • every body needs to shut the fuk up. yal takin dis shit to personally dam. the black gir who wrote this is fuckin ignorant

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 6:08pm
  • the amount of pettiness here really shows that white people aren't "better" at all

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:03pm
  • Give the guy a break, maybe he just wants to fuck a girl that doesn't look like a monkey and talks during movies. Do you blame him?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 9:23am
  • 4:55 get a effing life. your not getting shit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:59pm
  • maybe they don't like to give head to your tiny penis, 4:04.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:07pm
  • Ha! Only because you stupid black chicks will never measure up. Who wants an Afro on your pussy anyway?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:01pm
  • Affirmative action is dead...blacks have every opportunity whites do if they apply themselves...I i mean.. The USA now has a black president..let's look past race and class our thinking up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 24, 09 at 1:54am
  • black girls are thhheeee biggest pigs..hence the 4 fatherless babies hanging from their teets that they pass onto their mother to raise.. hey blacks birth control exists use it. im tired of working to feed, cloth, educate and kill your babies. GO WHITEY..and every other race that contributes to society.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 23, 09 at 2:44am
  • 8:10 Yes, they do. And the occasional golfcart.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:46pm
  • I love this, whites hate blacks, vice versa, at least we are not talking about abortion or miscarriage.......YAY for race war!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:27pm
  • Black ppl have loans grants and scholarships that only they can recieve, they have ebony magazine.. Black Entertainment Television.. Your the ones segregating YOURSELVES.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:10pm
  • ha - if russians are like ukrainians, my ukrainian grandma was DEF hairy. pale skin + dark hair = white girls who need to shut up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:35pm
  • 1042 is right ... but .. all black chicks are nast

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:47pm
  • This was from the show with sherri shephard on lifetime...lame for copying

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:43pm
  • damn. im really glad i didnt play a drinking game to the amount of times the word "racist" popped up. i would be long dead by now

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 3:26pm
  • black girls are gross. they're ugly for the most part, ridiculously loud and obnoxious and can't speak proper english. white women are infinitely superior.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:31pm
  • I'm half native American and I get most of my College paid for.. It's easier to have a Cherokee Mother than a white Mother.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:14pm
  • Excuse me, *I only received and *excell. Typing in an outrage.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:08pm
  • probably because white girls are sluts and will fuck anything

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:18pm
  • 4:15 White girls have it all? Where are their butts and boobs? And the only ones that DO have butts and boobs are obese.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:47pm
  • Sorry that to feel good about yourselves you think your vanity is a virtue, white girls. And hell, I'm nearly 100% Irish and even I'm hairy without the regular waxing and shaving. Whoever called you shallow, I second. These replies are crazy stupid.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:29pm
  • 7:18 needs to admit their white privilege. If I could be dismissed and overlooked for being black why can't I take advantage of a scholarship making up the difference? The same friend got some stupid David P. Somebody award for male engineers at his school - isn't that unfair to women? Private scholarships are exclusive by nature, but white people love to be p.e.r.s.e.c.u.t.e.d.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:33pm
  • no, fuck you 615-- 458 is right on. i can't thumbs up that enough.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:21pm
  • Atleast white people can type correctly. Nd n0t tlk lyk diz Ew.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 24, 09 at 3:52pm
  • I'm banning "just sayin'" and "it is what it is". You sound like a dick

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:14pm
  • uhhh I think this text is full of white girls shitting on black girls 7:32

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:37pm
  • Lol, but white girls do (:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:07pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 3:40pm
  • dnt be jealous cause white girls do it better!!!!! :-)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 2:22pm
  • Truth: The main reason for racism and persecution is the continued exploitation by that gAroup BY ITS OWN PEOPLE.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 10:14am
  • Plus 9:14 lol I like black jokes because I know people are kidding I find them funny.( Im black)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:28pm
  • 7:47, black-on-white hate crimes exist. I'm just saying, in trying to get even on the discrimination score, stop trying to prove something that isn't necessarily there. You have the option. Just like the white women who kill their kids and make up random black kidnappers.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:50pm
  • d-bag, that's from the sherri shepard show.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 23, 09 at 11:37pm
  • White people are snotty, ugly ass bitches

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 5:56am
  • This is text is funny as hell but 625 you are so fucking dumb... You make Black women look stupid due to the fact you can't spell and your English is worse than the weave you most likely are wearing...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:38pm
  • Understand this 8:29, feast on my testis.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:35pm
  • This is from a tv show!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:59am
  • People are fucking stupid. Grow the fuck up.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 10:34pm
  • 6:05 ~ is this text from a tv show?? bc i didnt know by now.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:24pm
  • says the poor little white girl ^^

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:54pm
  • To: October 21, 2009 4:23PM Don't try to change what you said just because you were called on how incredibly idiotic it was. That weave is burrowing into your brain.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 4:49pm
  • white girls are SLUTS...thats why blk guys like them...they will be on there knees for anyone

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 8:43am
  • Hahaha amazing. (first!)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 3:51pm
  • I didn't think TFLN was this serious!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:23pm
  • Asian girls are SO HOT!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:14pm
  • theres a dead black dog and a dead black guy in the road. whats the difference? there were skid marks infront of the dog

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:25pm
  • RACE WAR!!!!! I Fucking Love this shit!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:03pm
  • Any racism is wrong, I don't give a fuck who's doing it. It would be better if we were all blind, then things like that wouldn't matter. /:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:54am
  • There's nothing like a smooth white pussy ! Yum yum

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 4:33pm
  • Why does everyone assume this is a black girl she could be Hispanic, Asian etc. Also we assume it's a girl talking to a guy. Seriously people this could be a girl talking to her girlfriend. Funny how quick people are to have an opinion or pass judgement thinking they have all the facts.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 12:14pm
  • By n's did you mean nobody cares about that 45 page definition u ust gave

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:07pm
  • 7:41, 7:39 here.. My point is, had it been the other way around.. Had white people gone to a black neighborhood and put a gun to someone head, pushed them in their house, beat them and ties them up, it would be considered a hate crime for the sole face that it was white-on-black violence. Why don't we get that option?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:47pm
  • 4:16, this is 4:13. i'm glad someone else pointed out your misunderstanding before i did. i'm white, i'm not saying ALL white women are whores, but using race to judge sexual performance is absurd, at the very least. which is what white girls before me were claiming. thank you, move along and stay in school.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:09pm
  • Definitely slightly ignorant, 5:23. Like her underlings would be any nicer if they were white. We don't know her economic situation, either, in regards to her statement about college, I had better transcripts than my roommate (and we're both white) but her family made just a bit less than mine, so she had financial aid whereas I was denied. For a difference less than $10,000.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:30pm
  • Hahaha ohh, silly black girls..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 11:39am
  • black guy and a black girl jump of a sky scraper. who lands first? who cares

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:13pm
  • White girls are so freaking hot

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:28pm
  • Fuck all you crackers!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:45pm
  • Get over yourselves, white chicks. It's nothing bad about you, it's about a black man cheating on his black girlfriend with a white girl. THAT's what's wrong.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:07pm
  • White guy here. I was messing with a tiny black woman in college. She loved to take it from behind! Ahhh those were the days!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 8:41am
  • U cheat on me once, shame on me. U cheat on me with a black bitch, it's fucking over. Happy now?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:15pm
  • This is just bizarre. Who gives a shit what colour they are? It's still cheating.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 6:19am
  • Who the fuck says this was a black guy? He coulda been mexi

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:14pm
  • haha. I thought this was hilarious. Cheating with a white girl is the ultimate diss because a) you didnt even have to work for it b) its such a cheap shot. Theres just no game involved. You just show up and they put out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 5:10pm
  • It bothers me when black or mexican girls think they're super hot. Frankly, not a single one of them is.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:05pm
  • Well said 2:44..GO WHITEY!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 23, 09 at 2:46am
  • I am disheartened to see so many bitter, naive white people here. You're really going to get us for private scholarships and BET? Just because something doesn't explicitly say, "For whites only," doesn't mean it's not regarded that way. You're still getting special treatment. Life isn't all that hard for you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 8:51am
  • 556. ur right, but what im sayin is that id say 85% of black chikc are like that 2 the maybe 10% of white girls

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:01pm
  • Of course it's over, why would he want anything else but a white girl!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 22, 09 at 3:38am
  • Not all whites are racist! Basically whites elected Obama. There aren't enough minorities in the UD to make him win the election. The whites helped. I'm black to yall and I kno that. And I got a bunch of white friends who would break their backs to help minorites

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:34pm
  • All minorities have it easy period. You think the whites are great? We are just like you.. Ha except you get more benefits so be happy!! For real

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 9:18pm
  • Hahahah this text is hilarious -- it very well could have been an Indian person seeing as how I can definitely imagine one of my brown friends sending this (I'm brown too so no I'm not racist).

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:53pm
  • Racism is for the ignorant I'm proud r country is walking away from that cause some day I hope we can be more civilized till then if I have to live in a world with violent idiots I'll get just as crazy as any of them and fear is for the weak minded who can't let there heart and mind decide what's best not fear

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:42pm
  • LOL that's all I can say is just LOL.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:31pm
  • Turns out there are slot of brain dead people on here "i plan to marry interacial" mtv does it sgain, never have i wished for the end of the world so much, we deserve it. I like the preservation of our unique races, each has their own beauty

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 5:34pm
  • 6.05: is this text from a tv show?? bc i wasnt sure by now.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 6:23pm
  • poor widdle white folks, the world is so unfair!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 4:43pm
  • I guess I should phrase it, how do you know they're robbing you JUST because you're white?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 7:43pm
  • this is from a SHOW on lifetime with that black lady from the

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21, 09 at 8:23pm