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  • No matter how big, loose lips sink ships

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:21am
  • It's not the size of your sprinkler, it's the delay of your spray.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 4:05pm
  • Okay, I had this happen to me once with a debit card. Whatever you do, do not contact via facebook. It is because of this I ended up with nothing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:38am
  • I can churn butter with my penis though. With a song on my lips and love in my heart.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:19am
    • yes, but how much could you sell the butter for?

      Submitted by yodah on Jun 29, 10 at 2:55pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 3:34pm
  • ^ someones a fat chick

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 2:14am
  • Bet this girl spreads as easy as butter.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 2:18pm
  • Fat chicks don't have huge vaginas unless they are sluts which skinny girls can get big vaginas. Quit making yourself feel better about your small penis by attacking people with the first insulting thing you can think of.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 2:05am
  • a guy with an average sized dick who can work it is great. a guy with a big dick who can not work it is still great. a guy with a small dick, no matter his working skills, should just go home.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:07pm
    • and this is why size queens always bitch about how guys never treat them right

      Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Jul 11, 12 at 2:53pm
  • She wants her butter churned... Which sounds lik an infection nasty

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 4:05am
  • tell her that you will trade her ID card for anal sex, and then settle for a date

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:13am
  • i'm getting this off topic right away. i found a girls student id card, shes hot, whats the best way to return it and get a date out of it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:12am

    Submitted by EclecticPandora on Aug 8, 11 at 12:06am
  • If the vag is as big as the ocean then good luck with that

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 3:06am
  • shut up....I wear heels bigger then your dick. \n\nLove that one TFLN.

    Submitted by MissGi on Aug 29, 10 at 12:21am
  • I hate small dicks. They make me wanna cry when I see them.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:57am
  • ^ someones a fat chick

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 2:12am
  • It may be so that it's not the size of the craft, but the motion of the ocean, but I'll tell you this much; it takes forever to get to England in a dinghy!

    Submitted by katiegirl1980 on Feb 22, 12 at 9:51am
  • I lmao-ed at this

    Submitted by zozo on May 18, 10 at 1:58am
  • toothpick or telephone pole i don't any guy would want to throw it in the lincoln tunnel if it's filled with butter.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 4:13am
  • Same thing happened to me 12:38 :-/

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 7:02pm
  • My dick, causes natural abortions, Yo dick, got sued for extortion. 432

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:20pm
  • It's not the size or talent of your team, it's the execution of your game-plan. Oh, and if you still don't think so, then you must be like throwing a sausage down a hallway.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:10am
  • I have a 13 foot dick, your all pussies

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 1:08am
  • Who cares if the bitch gets off?!? Drop your load and move on to the next cum dumpster!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 2:48am
  • Thats why you don't cross it in a fucking rowboat haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:42am
  • it may not be the size of the boat.. but you sure as hell cant get to england in a rowboat..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:20am
  • Sometimes, even oil tankers look tiny in the vastness of some oceans.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:39pm
  • So your vag is a butter churn?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 3:43am
  • 12:07, you speak the truth!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:06pm
  • It's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean. But it sure as hell takes a long time to get to England in a dinghy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 3:12pm
  • It takes a long time to get to england in a rowboat

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:26am
  • Hmm, the first saying is normally for fat chicks. Fat chicks need lovin too, but they gotta pay.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:41am
  • You should just tell her "Have sex with me, or i'll blackmail you into having sex with me."

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 29, 09 at 12:17am
  • He'll yeah I agree 100 percent.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 7:41pm
  • It's hard to get to England in a rowboat! LAWL! Has anyone said that yet?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:09pm
  • HILARIOUS! My new catch phrase ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:01pm
  • it's all about width. I mean no chode but a 6er with a 3 finger width is all it takes

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 4:09am
  • 108 your a freak of nature lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 4:01am
  • Who the fuck wants to go to England?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 10:22pm
  • oh and 2:48 & 3:01... im sorry to hear about your toothpicks & inability to pleasure women. but dont go blaming us for what you dont have & cant do.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 26, 09 at 6:09am
  • 12:13 good luck getting to england without a map

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 29, 09 at 8:25pm
  • others dont. youre full of yourself.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 10:46pm
  • My dicks been to England. Some call it "The Tower of London". :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 10:29pm
  • Back to school, back to school, to prove to Daddy that im no fool.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:28am
  • it may be the motion of the ocean, but if you're pulling figure 8's in the titanic you're fucking set.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 2:30pm
  • And it takes a long time to get to England in a fucking row boat!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 12:36am
  • That may be true but it's a bit hard crossing the English Channel in a rowboat.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:40am
  • Here you go 2.05 

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 2:14am
  • i agree. you expect AT LEAST an average size dick. then you see it and you feel like you've been hit by a big yellow school bus of disappointment.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 26, 09 at 6:05am
  • 12:21 I fucking LOVE you and I fucking LOVE Kimya Dawson

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 7:04pm
  • The real magic Is when the size of the boat is moving with the motion of the ocean

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 1:36am
  • Bitches don't give a fuck they just see what they can get from u and once they know u don't have shit they use that has an excuse to getout of the situation

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 3:01am