Fat chicks don't have huge vaginas unless they are sluts which skinny girls can get big vaginas. Quit making yourself feel better about your small penis by attacking people with the first insulting thing you can think of.
a guy with an average sized dick who can work it is great.
a guy with a big dick who can not work it is still great.
a guy with a small dick, no matter his working skills, should just go home.
It may be so that it's not the size of the craft, but the motion of the ocean, but I'll tell you this much; it takes forever to get to England in a dinghy!
It's not the size or talent of your team, it's the execution of your game-plan.
Oh, and if you still don't think so, then you must be like throwing a sausage down a hallway.
Bitches don't give a fuck they just see what they can get from u and once they know u don't have shit they use that has an excuse to getout of the situation
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