She's holding my hand. I'm going to kill myself.
you got so mad from losing a game of beerpong that you went into another room by yourself and practiced for an hour and a half.
Superbowl + Mdma, hope we're on the same page.
So... 5th graders can't whisper for shit, but apparently I have an awesome rack.
Haha. Niice.
Yeah, I didn't know whether to be shocked or flattered.
i have only one word for you: 3somewithnorwegiangirls
The drunken tricycle race really added some class to the Tour de Franzia. Until everyone wiped out and started puking.
yeah, and when i walked in on them fucking he said "go away, i'm making sons."
picked up a girl by parallel parking. i love this town already.
You're a disgrace to the female race and the love triangle and halloween.
to answer your questions bluetooth, 30ft, like a tampon, ask her, her idea, got tired of trying to find her in crowed clubs
I have so many plans for this weekend and sobriety is not invited.
Finding an empty bathroom to shit on campus is like the quest for the fucking Holy Grail. Except with more stench and humiliation.
holy shit I was not prepared for her to whip out that dildo
Friday is the holy day of drinking. Thou shalt observe the Sabbath. It's in the bible. Look it up bitch.
Your boobs are like a folk legend.