We stole some shitttt from king sooper's. fuck yeaaa
what did you steal
frozen pizza, cat litter, and preperation H. not much different than my usual grocery list.
i just broke my key off in the door of my house because the engine wasnt starting
On this egg donor form, it asks "In the past 5 years, have you had sex for drugs or money?" It only gives a yes or no option and no place to explain myself. What do I do?
It is literally 8 in the morning.
I hereby state that I am over the age of 18. If I am not of age to purchase or consume alcohol products, I hereby acknowledge that I have not received any alcohol products from said party host. Also, in the event of injury or death, said party host is not to be held accountable. Please reply with your full name and today's date for your e-signature". *note: no text, no entry.*
Sorry bro, just a precaution. You know, ever since the "Jake incident". What a douche.
Will that be creepy to wake him up at midnight with my tongue all over his body??
i love how you just walk into that dealer's house every time without knocking, yet you don't even know his name
I had sex with him and I blame the Doritos
They had an Olympic theme party at her work yesterday. She brought home her fake gold medal and hung it on my cock after she rode me.
Well he offered to lick my asshole so...I'm not really worried about his interest level.
Aka I'm headed to the liquor store because I don't know how to handle my emotions.
One three hour marathon fuck session and now she's divorcing her husband. Should I get business cards made?
I can't wait to see you & have espresso-fueled sex
My alcoholism is old enough to drink.