i hope you realize when i said "grib" earlier i was referring to the gridded binary, a mathematically concise data format commonly used in meteorology to store historical weather forecast data. also meant in referential conjunction to my probability math class that i am failing at roughly 215pm tomorrow afternoon.
u downloaded tardy 4 the party
then u started screaming about not wanting nene on the record
Miss Michigan hasn't even been Miss USA for 24hrs and already stripper pole pics are surfacing. Classy.
My coke dealer called me at midnight just to ask how to spell a word. Not sure how I should feel about that.
Its 4 am and he honestly tried throwing pizza at his ceiling for decorations
When she was dating that guy she told me If they broke up, I would receive a call and no matter what I was doing I'd have to go over a fuck her. It's like being an EMT for sex.
Awkward family moment #1: walked in on my 15 yr old nephew packing a bowl. Nephew says- "lets not ruin christmas and keep this our little secret"
At least one of us had a weekend full of money and dick
He reached a whole new level of creepy. We were getting a coffee and he noticed the girl at Starbucks name tag looked her up on fb and friend requested her right there without ever introducing himself
I'm currently on a bowling date with my girlfriend and her boyfriend. It's pretty fun.
I'll just give him your contact info, and you'll somehow manage to get laid. Which will make me feel like your vagina's agent or something.
So I couldn't find Leif..... He fell asleep in our closet upstairs trying to get changed into warmer clothes
I bet your mom's never met a girl who's thrown up at the presidential inauguration before though.
he said he's going to burn things and pack his stuff. he may leave tomorrow supposedly but i doubt it
So do you guys remember Danny from Tinder?
Sorry I only remember personality traits, not names.