Look at my ENTIRE past
Highly public sexual behavior gross mismanagement of funds socially unaccpetable and radical speech and thought
Might as well have a blog about it at this point
Woke up in an unfamiliar basement in a sleeping bag with Matt to a police officer shining his flashlight in my eyes and asking me my birth date and social security number. My morning went swimmingly.
Just saw 3 10-year olds in business suits drinking iced coffees at the cafe. I'm officially a failure if these kids have jobs and I don't.
Its like a 4.5 hour drive but there's drinking involved so I'm destined to go
I admit it's going to be hard to top a limo orgy and Mcnuggets....but I have faith in you
The magic cards should have been the first clue. The comments that I have "amazing birthing hips" and that I'm "beautiful in a child bearing sort of way just sealed his fate.
Couldn't get it up. She asked me what she was doing wrong. Didn't have the heart to tell her. I appreciated her willingness to adapt, but she's pretty much gonna look that bad her whole life.
making a list of all the places we've peed. separate list of places we peed when we were stoned
Sidenote: do you recall your "give me the d" chant
I'm not having the "why are your fucking my daughter" talk and the "your a drug addict" talk with your mom tonight.
I honestly think she should have her own reality show called "Lowering the Bar" and it consists of a camera crew following her from Bar to bar hooking up with unsuspecting drunk attractive men.
Also I played a weird game of chicken in the ladies room at work between myself the person pooping 2 stalls over and a very determined maintenance man.
Hey, how are you?
No. You're dead to me, you hamster stealing slutbag.
That would involve putting on clothes and I don't think I can face that right now.
If he moved really quickly from "hi I've had a crush on you for years" to "send nudes" you probably were used.