Don't really want to talk about it. You were right. She had a whole jar of toenail clippings on her nightstand that she chews on "when her fingernails are too short." Direct quote.
Eating alone in the dark with one candle. This is sorta sad.
i like being sick. whatever the doctor gave me is awesone. the walls are waving at me. i never want to get better.
I think I'm about to have sex with a second person before noon hehehhe! You're welcome America.
A houseboat for a bachelor party is a terrible idea, we nearly die when on dry land, so how the hell are we supposed to survive a 3 day binge on a massive lake?
work has become about six times more interesting since i started fucking my boss.
They wont sell alcohol here on election day! HOW THE FUCK DO THEY EXPECT ME TO ENJOY THE ELECTION SOBER?
She's going to be the first to die of too much illness. Not even super bad stuff like cancer but like for having a cold at the same time as a sore throat and chlamydia or something. Just too much diseases.
Literally just napped at strip club. Don't know how long
Dicks are not precious.
Dude, who WASN'T thinking of motorboating her?
I woke up at 3am, top off, with campus security telling me to get dressed. Tonight was a GOOD NIGHT
Pretty sure the delivery guy saw me taking a shit this morning
With a word you would own me. At your command I would walk to your house completely naked.
You're like a care bear with a big cock & a sexual prowess that would put the mighty Thor to shame.