But i did once see a show where a women was homeless and installed a stove in a school bus so she and her baby could live there since all the seats were taken out. As far as being homeless goes it didn't look half bad...So this is me promising to you that if i ever am living in an abandoned school bus...i will at least pimp it out with a stove so you can come over for dinner sometimes
Just hungoverly hit my funny bone with a hot straightener. Triple threat.
you are the sluttiest virgin ive ever met
thanks it was an honor just to be nominated
After the tests come back negative, you guys will look back on this evening with fond memories...
Go on vacation with her and forget to pack pants. I did that once and it worked like a charm.
the party we were at had security guards carrying paintball guns. that probably should have been the first sign
Doing laundry, just found a knob off your stove in my pants pocket. I don't know.
I heard liver failure is in for 2012 anyways
The sun and I are not on speaking terms this morning
I got Pilsbury cinnamon rolls for us to have tomorrow, but I don't have the willpower to leave them in my fridge overnight, so I am eating them all and getting us more in the morning
I love you more by the minute
I made a wizard staff out of Keystone light... I am therefore the smoothest wizard in all of our university's history.
Every time Brady gets sacked I cum a little...
How do I explain to work that I woke up in my underwear on a trampoline and that I'm not coming in?
she said a prayer for the pipe you broke. she did the sign of the cross and everything
I need your help immediately! I sorta kinda sliced my foot off at the ankle with my new kitana. Bring your cooler, ice and some hospital road beers.