You're the unicorn of the gay community. Unbelievable and unattainable.
you're in nursing school, now tell me what to do about a burned clit.
i woke up and the dog was eating spaghetti off my chest.
I'm riding in a wheelchair, being pulled by a golf cart. You need to be here.
i wish his balls had a scratch and sniff sticker elsewhere so i would know before i even went down there
As she was leaving she said "You have an awesome penis, I hope to use it again soon" I need that on a business card to hand out at the bar
Ive never seen him vulnerable before. He just had surgery and looked so cute on his crutches. like a little baby bird with a broken wing. that i wanted to nurse back to health. with my vagina
They usually take it with their boobs. It's like a horizontal motorboat
I feel bad for his balls. Ive never seen so much sperm. He had to be dying
Oh? I just remember dropping coins and trying to give the manager change to let me back into the bar.
I fought a guy last night because he said "extra pulp orange juice is the best orange juice"
It's obvious you're hotter. You've been doing a married guy for almost 2 years.
it’s my vagina i can do what i want to
You literally snort drugs up your nose and you’re questioning the brand of the multivitamin right now?
It was a successful conference for my sales and my sex life. Those are probably related