Thought you might like this. Had a dance off with an andy bernard look alike and pissed my bed. All in one night.
We made a late night liquor run, made margaritas and bloody marys and then retreated to opposite sides of the house to drink them. Alone.
You guys make me sad
You misspelled jealous there
Thank you, bloody toiletpaper I found in the hamper. I was worried that today was going to be boring.
Your one and only job is to make sure I am on that bus tomorrow morning with no cat makeup on my face
the bar told me i would have to take an hour break so they could wash the shot glasses
Despite fighting the urge to vomit throughout the whole thing, I think that interview went really well!
The kid across the hall found me in the hallway using a hot pocket box as a pillow. I said its okay I live here.
I'd like to thank you fucktards for dumping the WHOLE box of Tricuits in my bed after I passed out.
sitting in the kitchen naked and eating stirfry, random dude left my room saying thanks and gave me a bottle of wine. explain...
The bad news is that I stole all your drugs. The good news is that ITS KICKING IN!
You've lost booty call privileges between the hours of 10pm and 8am.
Let's celebrate our country being screwed by screwing.
Thank you, my gorgeous heroine, for being such a total life-saver by giving me rides, forcing me to eat, providing porous absorbant surfaces to bleed on, and everything else you do <3
I got a free corona t-shirt and all I had to do was drink a beer. This needs to be a more widely accepted form of currency.
New drinking game get out your high school year book and take a shot for everyone in your class who's had a baby!