dats a huuuuuge bitch!
who is this????
I stood up and a chip flew out of my shirt and landed in the chip dish. I just walked away.
After last night's events, I googled "how to change your life direction." I found a really helpful ehow.com article.
The question of "Will I eat a piece of curried chicken off the floor?" has been answered tonight.
This is one of those times where I really wish my vagina could tell me what happened last night.
Call me when you get back form court. Hopefully its not later than noon. Just remember..win or lose we still booze.
What did he say? I couldn't hear him over the sound of how awesome his beard is.
I think I should start a match.com profile and put "robe lounging" as my only hobby
I'm trying to seductively eat these M&M's to let her know its on
I know we said we never would. But try fucking a fat guy. He put in so much more effort and then made me waffles.
Can I tell you that I just incorporated the spice girls in my sexting and you not judge me
He just yells "mush!" as they're having sex.
I just dropped a condom on the floor at costco in front of my girlfriend and her husband. Today is not going to go well.
This is like 50 shades on steroids but with healthy relationship models and mutual respect among all parties involved and lesbian activity.
Jungle juice breakfast? No? Ok.