Then I opened the closet and then i found the babies
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"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me."
As in pot plants you dumb assholes
I eat babies!!!hehe jkjk
Laughing out loud, I've got ab old High School joke about eating babies! LOL
If I had a nickle.. -Bradon
awe who put the babies in the closet? poor babies!!
Have you seen my baby? I lost it sometime lastnight when I was drunk...
You're all idiots. Anyone in the business knows: in the growing circle, weed plants are frequently referred to as "babies." These plants are, in most of the country, grown in closets to conceal their illegality.
Oh I get it! It's funny because most people don't keep babies in their closets, so it was likely some fake babies! -Jeff
theyre putting babies in the closet now? what happened to corners?
dead baby fetus much...? :/
Wait to steal it from the hangover.
fake...totally from The Hangover movie
The hangover rocks. You are just a MAJOR DOUCHEBAG
Please, please, please let this person have found baby mice or something....
Shutup you got this from the hangover nice try though
In Soviet Russia, babies find you!
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