The biggest problem is that your boyfriend is using you as a cover up, and he would like to secretly rim Taylor lautner...why would anyone send this craptastic text
PS 4:15 there is no rule on how a vampire should be. They are fictional characters they can be toyed with in any way. Look at True blood they have somewhat 'unconventional' ideals of vampires. Take your head out of your ass.
Seriously, the biggest proplem is all these fucking closed minded people who like to stereotype people for simply enjoying a book, which turned in to movies, which blew up in to something that is insanse. But still. It's rude and just mean to insult people for simply enjoying something. Yes some people take it way beyond what it should be but you shouldn't put eveyone who likes twilight in to that stereotype and telling the to "kill themsevles" . I mean really? It's kinda uncalled for.
Oh my fucking god I fucking hate twilight if I hear one more fucking 13 year old girl talk about twilight I'm gonna go fucking crazy!!!! GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
9:26 shut the fuck up please. you only enjoy the movie because you think the homosexual fuck that plays a vampire is attractive. if it was played by some fat asshole would you still like it??? no
The only worry you should have is that your boyfriend actually watched twilight and picked who he likes, when most guys don't give a fuck. They just want head in the middle of the movie.
6:22AM are you defending Twighlight here? I think you are! You like it, don't you. You like the sparkly, angsty vampires. unfortunately this disqualifies you from having an opinion about ANYTHING.
Why didn't anyone call fake on this one? If she was sending this to a friend she would have just said boyfriend's name instead of saying "my boyfriend"
I think this was just some 14 year old loser who doesn't understand any of the funny texts on this site because she can only grasp Twilight information.
Jacob's character is much better written in book 2 and book 3 and was getting tons of fans, which upset Stephanie Meyer's personal dream fetish vampire fantasy, so she gets pissed off and writes in Jacob as a pedophile in the 4th book. I'm serious.
wow hive mind... i was going to also say that the biggest problem in your relationship is that your boyfriend is a raging homosexual. also, you're a vapid cunt
I can't see what the problem with this is. I read Twilight, and I hated it, but the bigger deal is that if THAT's the biggest problem in your relationship, you were fucking meant for each other.
why is it that it's okay for everyone to hate on twilight? people like different things; it's to be expected. not everyone's the same. but honestly, the shit everyone's saying is getting to be a bit much, and rude on so many levels.
team mike bitches!!!! he's available cute,nice and cares 4 ya! :P if not then team jacob but i dont think that him liking twilight is a bad thing, for the new moon midnight show about a third of the theater was guys with their girlfriends!
Fuck you and your fucking twilight references. No one wants to read that horrible excuse for a book, except bitches who will never get laid because they're ugly and have love only for a fictional character.
It's kinda like being a Christian, but more retarded
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