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  • You and me both man haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 7:22pm
  • I hate you. You ruined my Saturday morning and made my boyfriend punch a hole in our wall. Fuck you drunken mistake, fuck you.

    Submitted by greenbumho on Jan 31, 10 at 6:29pm
  • Superbad is playing.lameee

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 8:10pm
  • Way to represent jersey

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 6:37pm
  • That's strange, I thought you were the drunken mistake your mom made when she decided to keep you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 10:30pm
  • We could be that mistake!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 2:47am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 12:36am
  • This isn't ripped from Superbad.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 5:41pm
  • Give youself a break! Some does love you

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 9:18pm
  • Me too, fuck it were still getting the pussy regardless

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 2:25am
  • Aw I'm sorry

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 5:14pm
  • Shit now that's what I call a moment of clarity!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 3:26am
  • Haha, poor guy. That's sad.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 9:25pm
  • I am mclovin!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 11:08pm
  • So I am I bro so am I

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 1:11am
    • i'd ask for a translation, but i'm pretty sure i figured this out...i hope you're drunk

      Submitted by makeitglow on Feb 1, 10 at 3:45pm
  • That sounds like fun...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 12:59pm
  • My question is why does everyone seem to think the guy is feeling bad for himself? He's sleeping with girls out of his league.

    Submitted by huskerfan9287 on Jan 31, 10 at 10:47pm
  • Ripped off from Superbad much?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 5:15pm
    • who cares. its funny. half these texts arent even real.

      Submitted by greenbumho on Jan 31, 10 at 6:35pm
      • Why do you say that? We live in a world of six billion people. Surely a few dozen truly boneheaded, sexually explicit things are done on any given day. I'm not sure I've ever seen an entry on this site that tempted me to call bullshit. Yeah, a lot of them are stupid, even more are unlikely, but we're working off a really huge number of people here. Shit like this happens. Otherwise, why would it have been in Superbad in the first place?

        Submitted by Herschel on Jan 31, 10 at 11:53pm
        • You do realize that 99.9% of the people on this site are either from the US or Canada, right? Thats not a very large portion of the world.

          Submitted by greenbumho on Feb 1, 10 at 12:54am
          • Fine then, 330 million. Still enough to do stupid shit on a regular basis and send texts about it to each other.

            Submitted by Herschel on Feb 1, 10 at 3:21am
  • I drunkenly fucked a guy from the 908 area Friday night. And yes it was a horrible mistake and I do hate myself. Jeff I'm sure you're a nice guy, but no.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 12:51am
  • Superbad!!!!!!¡¡

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 8:39pm
  • kevin dusty is that mistake

    Submitted by Lul on Feb 1, 10 at 2:17pm
  • Lmao @ 10:30

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 12:50am
  • Then stop being a man ho

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 5:30pm
  • Hey consider yourself lucky that a lady is willing to fuck you!!!

    Submitted by LatinaDiva on Jun 6, 11 at 9:09am
  • Hey bet u are beautiful inside

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 9:16pm
  • Me too :(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1, 10 at 3:15am