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  • In states with abstinence only education.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:19pm
    • Whoever thumbs downed this is either a Republican or a bible-thumper. Or both.

      Submitted by greenbumho on Feb 7, 10 at 11:53am
  • The fact it's 2010 and a teenage girl still argued with me that her friend had proven that you (the girl) can't get pregnant if she's on top . This mentallty ensures there will be no shortage of girls to make the next season ..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:28pm
  • I blame abstinence only sex ed. Cause people are going to do it anyway only now they aren't properly educated about how to prevent pregnancy. Stupid god damned conservatives.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:46pm
    • it's not the conservatives actually, you fucknut. i went to a catholic school where sex ed was actually taught, and the teach were republican-catholics, who i might add are realists, and know kids fuck and drink, unlike dumb liberals who are idealists caught up in their own bullshit to even know what their slut of a daughter is doing.

      Submitted by jack_meoff on Feb 7, 10 at 3:24am
  • You are kidding me, right? Just look at this site. It does nothing but glorify random, drunken hookups. You have politicians, sports figures, et al, having multiple sex partners. All of this tells these kids it's ok to do. There is NO consequences for their actions. In fact, they get rewarded.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 6:56pm
    • Obviously if the stupidity of the actions on this site were made into a show, you could make season upon season. There is nothing glamorous about any of these girls' stories, whereas this site pretends there are no consequences to any behavior that can't just be joked about the next morning. Now tell me - which of these two GLAMORIZES poor choices?

      Submitted by KHSxo on Feb 6, 10 at 9:03pm
  • Teen pregnancy rates have increased since that show went on air. Pisses me off that MTV was ignorant enough to believe that making girls famous for getting prematurely knocked up would actually prevent teen pregnancy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:50pm
  • From ignorant guys helping them

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:01pm
  • If MTV came to my high school ten years ago they would've found enough girls to fill two seasons.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:33pm
  • In Soviet Russia, girl gets you pregnant.

    Submitted by JosephStalin on Feb 6, 10 at 6:22pm
  • In the red states!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:58pm
  • You have never seen ignorant pregnant girls until you visit West Virginia..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:26pm
  • Lots of teenagers don't use protection because it doesn't feel as good. It really sucks that one of the consequences is the creation of another innocent human life. What sucks even more is that these girls either just abort it or think that they are going to have a doll to play with. Sickening

    Submitted by RaCk on Feb 6, 10 at 5:55pm
  • C'mon...ur from MA u should know that they're all in Glouchester making their pregnancy pacts

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:38pm
    • LMFAO im from cape cod mass. legit i laughed for a good 10 minutes when i read this. glouchester is a joke here. whenever my school plays theirs we yell like "dont drop the baby" or "con doms con doms con doms" but in all seriousness...the girls in gloucester...are easy as hell

      Submitted by Raider25 on Feb 7, 10 at 7:34pm
  • Texas I'm sure!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:28pm
  • I can't believe how ignorant some of you guys are, holy shitt. The people talking about Haiti you guys should be taught some fucking respect. That also goes for the racist pieces of shit that's commenting too.

    Submitted by RobPen10 on Feb 7, 10 at 11:11am
  • My home town.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:33pm
  • Sorry, 4:50, but you're wrong. Teen pregnancy rates have been on the rise since 2006 (before the MTV show) and studies have shown that the show forces young viewers to understand that being young and pregnant isn't glamorous.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:31pm
  • Easy. Watch the girls on toddlers

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 10:31pm
  • who's the ignorant idiots that said Haiti

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:54pm
  • 3:36 He's using yahoo news as a reference, not answers you tard

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 5:19pm
  • Agree with you 7:11

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:16pm
  • It's because the united states is full of mexicans and they are always pregnant before 16

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 3:57am
  • They find em on tfln

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 12:10am
  • this is one of THE DUMBEST textsfromlastnight i have witnessed.\nfyi. you are not funny.

    Submitted by peoplearedumb on Feb 6, 10 at 11:46pm
  • In Utah that's where there from

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 4:29pm
  • Waste of life!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 8:42am
  • Are you fucking serious... Iowa is not on the eastern seaboard fucktard.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 2:14am
  • Kossuth, Mississippi is where! The water here is sperm infested

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:28pm
  • Mostly in Mississippi and the rest of the whorible south

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:49pm
  • Outside my door about a month after I meet them Gord

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 2:37pm
  • Jersey shore....ha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:55pm
  • The pregnant teenager is the state bird of Arkansas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 2:14pm
  • 3:24 your catholic school sex ed experience was an anomaly. Mine was opposite (at more than one school) and we had more pregnant girls than the public school because many truly were ignorant of how to prevent pregnacy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 8:44am
  • In corpus Christi probably

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 10:55pm
  • Ok, so I was one of those girls not too long ago so first, thanks for the insult, and second, that show helped me realize that I'm not alone. Which, being pregnant at 16, is something you really need. So don't call us ignorant. You don't now nor will you ever understand the pain we go through and the support that's needed to get through those times. Oh and by the way, my baby girl is 5 months old, happy, and healthy. So I must be doing something right. Idiot.

    Submitted by eks17 on Jul 26, 10 at 3:58am
  • Kentucky!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 19, 10 at 2:35pm
  • south dakota!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 1:25am
  • California

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 7:07pm
  • Nope 1:49 they aren't

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 3:28pm
  • Iowa is definitely in the Midwest. and one comes from my high school

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 2:06am
  • It is pretty common, kids are having sex younger and younger.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:59pm
    • before ya know it, we'll have 9 year olds in jail for statitory baggin

      Submitted by Raider25 on Feb 7, 10 at 7:35pm
  • answer: the jersey shore. lolz

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 6:12pm
  • Said by a person who says "gunna."

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 1:30am
  • Mexico?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:34pm
  • The anser, and I say this with regret, is America

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 9:17pm
  • Mississippi

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 11:02pm
  • My highschool is almost like a knock off version of the schiller just ten times more immature and five times the girls

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 6:09pm
  • Can someone who watches MTV really call another person ignorant? MTV is for the idiots in our population.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 11:51am
  • Amen sista. God love ya

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 1:29am
  • Saginaw texas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 6:39pm
  • Gonna take a wild guess here and say any high school ever.

    Submitted by Sharniqua on Feb 15, 10 at 8:42am
  • Planned parenthood

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:36pm
  • At my school there's four pregnant 15yr olds do parents just not give a shit about their kids these days

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 2:28am
  • Utah

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:06pm
  • Prob a smelly nig. They like theys foodstamps!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 6:36pm
  • the bronx.

    Submitted by mrf14 on Feb 7, 10 at 4:49pm
  • 5.46 how is abstinace only sex ed possible? That is pretty much an oxymoron...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:59pm
    • your an idiot.. some schools teach abstinence as their sex education, while other schools are teaching how to safely have sex. While more schools are moving to teaching abstinence only in sex ed.

      Submitted by college123 on Feb 6, 10 at 6:32pm
  • Your moms house

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:50pm
  • Everywhere?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:41pm
  • Dem niggas love dey foodstamps !

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 12:09pm
  • Haha I love this

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 3:50pm
  • Concord, NC

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 1:18am
  • Eat my cock

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:36pm
  • Jersey

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 6:36pm
  • The same place they keep finding all of you burnt fucktards who don't use condoms, I'd imagine.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10, 10 at 8:49am
  • The anonymous posting of these exceedingly racist comments give me no hope for humanity.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 1:47am
  • In Boston with us man lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 10:28pm
  • Easy . . . . . They find them in Texas . . . .

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:39pm
  • 2:14 bahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 10:43pm
  • El paso, tx

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:45pm
  • It's America, there is not a single state that doesn't have at least 10,000 ppl who are the epitome of white trash.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 6:39pm
  • Because ignorant guys keep fucking them Without pulling out

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 4:18am
  • In your mama's hometown

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:58pm
  • Toddlers

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 1:41am
  • I'm guessing Fremont ca. There's nothing better to do than get pregnant

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 9:43pm
  • in Gloucester!

    Submitted by FreekyBubbles on Feb 6, 10 at 8:34pm
  • Arkansas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 6:58pm
  • I can't prove that anyone has gotten pregnant on purpose but would I put it past them? Absolutely not. And now with "Teen Mom's" on the air...makes it even worse. Don't give children reality shows when they don't know what reality is yet.

    Submitted by DOA on Feb 6, 10 at 6:43pm
  • Lmfao down souuth

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:49pm
  • In Falls Church, Virginia

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 12:26pm
  • All Republicans can suck my Liberal dick.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 10:41am
  • @3:24 thank you I go to a catholic grade school were our family life( teaching us to not do drugs orhave sex till marrige) class is beingtought by a liberal who's son is a huge pot head

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 3:39am
  • theres at least 5 walking around my highschool on

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 9:37pm
  • 8:06 probably has never even seen a pussy, better yet "blow chow" in one.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:44pm
  • In Soviet Russia

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:32pm
  • Gloucester.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Feb 6, 10 at 4:52pm
  • Obama is a NlGGER

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9, 10 at 8:07pm
  • lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:18pm
  • One of those girls from the first season I went to school with.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 18, 10 at 2:54am
  • Lololol Haleigh Eastman

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 12:24am
  • At Katy high school... We currently have 7 girls that are pregnant... Dirty sluts.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:32pm
  • It's not so much ignorence, it's more of that either the teen or her parents want money from MTV

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 4:16am
  • They're finding them in the Midwest! Look where they found the old ones. Tennessee. Iowa. Hick towns where kids have nothing to do but have kids.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:52pm
    • Tennessee and Iowa are definitely not in the Midwest. They're closer to the eastern seabord states...especially Tenn.

      Submitted by rach_worl_10 on Feb 7, 10 at 2:00am
  • The local high schools.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 6:10pm
  • Ok the person that said "I hate blacks, can we have another holocaust please" first of all the holocaust was when they killed Jews, second of all, it's stupid to be racist, we are all human!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 15, 10 at 5:36pm
  • Haha my friends on this season!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 6:01pm
  • Of course they're just doing it now to get noticed. Stupid fucks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 9:27am
  • mm, im pregnant.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 8:22pm
  • They're all over Kentucky!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 4:53am
  • American high schools....unfortunately

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:12pm
  • Texas. Definately Texan Evangelical Taliban babies!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 8:58pm
  • 7:11..thank you! And for those who do not know what was posted it was "liberals stop calling conservatives stupid, don't blame us that you wanted obama". It doesn't matter where they find these girls..the sad problem is that they do, I feel bad for the 6 or so children that are about to have shitty lives just because their mother couldn't wait till she was mature enough to start making good decisions about her sex life

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 10:19am
  • 7:26 is soooooo right.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 11:24pm
  • well my high school did not have an abstinence education course just a retarded health education class during freshman year and we really did not learn anything about sex ed and about 6 girls that i graduated with almost a year ago are pregnant or have a new born or a 1 year old we need to put an end to this cuz some of them do not know when to stop harming there bodys of bad things

    Submitted by kdb1190 on Apr 4, 10 at 6:11pm
  • Penn cambria HS

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9, 10 at 3:11pm
  • Dumb question! Can't you see the are procreating at an increasing rate?

    Submitted by etantao on Feb 6, 10 at 8:00pm
  • They probably become pregnant to get on the show. It's glorified.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:40pm
  • Idaho

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 3:45pm
  • your dumb.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 9:21am
  • Wtf?! vv ew don't b racist u stupid ass all the girls on there r white

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 4:25am
  • Ohio

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 12:27am
  • I find it funny that liberals call conservatives stupid. Don't blame us yall wanted Obama.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:11pm
  • Wait, there are studies about this show. That sounds like a gigantic lie.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:38pm
  • Vermillion South Dakota! Look out for Chelsea Houska!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 2:21pm
  • Myspace.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 8:43am
  • My mom got prego @ 15 then again @ 18! She is still with my dad they love eachother! As for then they are going it to get some

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 11:27pm
  • They find them exiting my bedroom:)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:42pm
  • They should come to my school and take our girls. They're enough for atleast three seasons.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:46pm
  • All i have to say is...boner.

    Submitted by bradleycooper619 on Jul 8, 11 at 4:34pm
  • oregon. we have a couple seventeen/eighteen year old girls working on their second baby. different dad too!

    Submitted by beccalee on Sep 30, 10 at 2:05pm
  • I'll be on this season I'm the only black girl

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 6:06pm
  • come to will find allllll the pregnant teenagers here. i dont know why no one from idaho has been on 16 and pregnant!

    Submitted by girl19 on Feb 8, 10 at 5:43pm
  • I'm very happy I live in NYC where we don't have to deal with these white trash poeple... At least here people aren't ignorant about sex and politics and well everything really

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 2:09pm
  • That is the problem with the US. If issues are not close to home people think they are rare. I am refering to the teen preg problem that crosses race lines and the racism displayed in they comments.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 10:41am
  • Umm pretty much anywhere..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:03pm
  • They find the whores in public schools and brothel houses

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:13pm
  • clearly they're finding them in gloucester.

    Submitted by tacosalad on Feb 10, 10 at 2:13pm

    Submitted by NegritaCervantes on Feb 9, 10 at 11:03am
  • MTV is genius, this show was made purely for entertainment.

    Submitted by shmeeshmaw on Feb 7, 10 at 4:36pm
  • They're everywhere in America cause parents wine put their kids on bc an guys are to stupid or lazy to pump an dump or put on a rubber so as long as MTV keeps makin white trash tv shows about whit trash ppl then they're gonna do it cause ppl are amazed by stupid shows

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 12:29pm
  • Probably kentucky

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 10:27am
  • so many ignorant mother fuckers on here.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 2:35am
  • South carolina, I live here

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 9:51pm
  • 1 out of 6 American teen girls will be pregnant. They are everywhere.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:09pm
  • 1:48 stop tryin to act smart lol yahoo answers is not a reliable source any idiot would know that hahah

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 3:36pm
  • Agree

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 11:12pm
  • One wounders if they do it just to get noticed?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 10:57pm
  • 5:39 fuck you. Don't hate on Texas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:43pm
  • Mostly from all the chicks getting knocked up near me

    Submitted by idareu on Dec 29, 10 at 10:34pm
  • 10:15- I have a warmed up oven for you to jump in

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 17, 10 at 10:19pm
  • Texas, definitely Texas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 10:44pm
  • Vermillion SD came here a few months ago

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 5:27pm
  • im guessing my school? XD idiots. thats why im not on dance team.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 3:17pm
  • In Soviet Russia, MTV impregnates you! Oh waif, that's actually America...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 11:26am
  • 8:44 maybe youre the anomaly. I had sex-ed at a catholic school in a very conservative area. It wasn't til I went to a liberal, public HS in the next county where I saw teens getting pregnant. Both were upper-class neighborhoods so you can exclude that factor.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 9:44am
  • @4:19 you are correct! Such bullshit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:04pm
  • btw, we all know everythinh there is to know in graphic detail. freshman year health teacher=extreme liberal.

    Submitted by beccalee on Sep 30, 10 at 2:09pm
  • The great American Midwest. And jersey.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 6:22pm
  • This post past quality control how?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 1:09am
  • At my school!!!! South San HS!! Hahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 11:23pm
  • West Virginia.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9, 10 at 12:42am
  • My friend was on last season. Maci. They're not all ignorant.. Shit happens.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 2:33pm
  • The red, "abstinence" states where they don't teach comdom-use are where they keep finding these girls.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 8:52pm
  • Durant oklahoma

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 5:05pm
  • It's a vicious cycle. America is fullof dumb retards who keep having kids when they shouldn't, and their kids just pull the same crap. It's sickening.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 12:34pm
  • They probably find slutty girls from this website.. seems every text is from one or about one. drunk slutty Americans.. I'm oh so shocked.

    Submitted by meowmix9 on Feb 7, 10 at 6:37am
  • In liberal, Kansas.

    Submitted by blaker18 on Aug 13, 10 at 3:32am
  • Oklahoma! More specificly my school! We are having our very own baby boom!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 1:14am
  • 5:39 is just jealous because everything is bigger in Texas... Including the men.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:46pm
  • Utah XD

    Submitted by xXxMCRLoverxXx on Dec 4, 10 at 1:54pm
  • White trash pregnant sluts

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 2:19am
  • In sunny Florida, old people don't watch MTV.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 11:34am
  • Only in America.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 1:47am
  • 7:56 is so terribly ignorant. There aren't even 4 times as many black people than white people in general. My guess is the only black people 7:56 knows are on television.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:13pm
    • Just because there are more total white people than black people in America does NOT mean that there are more total white teenage pregnancies in America than total black teenage pregnancies.\n\nI think you may be the ignorant one.\n\nConsider this: \n"Fewer black teenage girls got pregnant, closing a gap with Hispanic teens. But rates among both groups were still significantly higher than for white teens, the report said, and rates went up for all ethnic groups."

      Submitted by Sarah190 on Feb 7, 10 at 1:48pm
  • They don't find them the producers make them

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9, 10 at 8:04pm
  • There's gonna be a new season of this site licks balls... Where do they keep finding these retarded posts?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 9:42am
  • Look around

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 6:15pm
  • I love how peopke think its cool to be racist. Its not bud. Hate to break it to ya but yeah.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 17, 10 at 10:15pm
  • I am from Gloucester. They are easy. Like easier than buying mcdonalds. Especially the ones from riverdale park. I hate Gloucester girls. I will never date one out of principle.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 2:01am
  • Agreed

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:15pm
  • I've been having sex since I was 15 and I have never been pregnant. It's called birth control pills it's 99% effective. No condoms. Maybe these teens should look into it and quit being stupid.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:06pm
    • Your prob full of STDs too. Congrats your a smart one. Hopefully you never have kids

      Submitted by prezdead on Feb 6, 10 at 8:28pm
    • maybe you should quit being stupid and use a condom anyway...

      Submitted by Raider25 on Feb 7, 10 at 7:36pm
  • Trailer parks....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 6:30pm
  • Tampa, Fl. At least that's where one of them is from. 813 represent <3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:56pm
  • with their shitty boyfriends who choose to buy cigarettes over condoms. it happens.

    Submitted by dasfuckedup on Feb 14, 10 at 12:06am
  • Yea duh. Holocaust 2 would be for niggs!!! Let's throw them in ovens

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 15, 10 at 6:49pm
  • Why are blacks such a minority in America but they are the majority in prison?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9, 10 at 8:08pm
  • I tell them all the same thing.... "Sure I'll pull out." then blow chow all in it. Pull out slightly so you can see it dribble out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:06pm
  • Rome, GA

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:02pm
  • Ur wrong 10:27. I live in ky and I don't kno of anyone in my town thts had a teenage pregnancy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 11:47pm
  • 10:57 *wonders -Spelling Police

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 11:09pm
  • At my house

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 9:40pm
  • South Carolina . . . I live here

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 12:29am
  • 2:00am what the fuck are you smoking? Iowa is in the Midwest you dumbass. We are not anywhere near Ten. I should know I live here.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 7:48am
  • They get pregnant on purpose to get on the show

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 9:00pm
  • 5:32 I bet you're just mad that no one ever offers you sex

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:38pm
  • 14st lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:18pm
  • thts easy they find them in Quincy MA

    Submitted by bostonirish12 on Mar 4, 10 at 1:04pm
  • I hate blacks. Seriously can we have another haulocaust please

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 14, 10 at 10:36pm
  • how did this make it onto the site? 1 - it's not funny.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:23pm
  • its called high school.

    Submitted by piratelady636 on Feb 8, 10 at 3:56pm
  • Franklin Indiana. High school girls. Freshman. :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 12:35am
  • Ditto

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 1:30am
  • Numerounobeeeeeeeeeeeetches

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:13pm
  • 5:36 my thoughts exactly. They probably post up outside abortion clinics and pitch the show idea

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:29pm
  • Your liberal dick is probably small enough to floss my republican teeth with so chill out nobody knows who you even are or even thinks you're cool.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 10:56am
  • It's not like these girls get pregnant on purpose! But the show does show the hardships of being a teen mom... It's not easy... Everyone has sex, and getting pregnant could happen to anyone, I got married at 17, had my son at 18 and had my daughter at 19... She is now 3 months old she was planned he wasn't, but being a young mom is hard, so stop fussing on the girls that actually take care of their kids!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:52pm
  • the South

    Submitted by dre623 on Jul 16, 10 at 4:25am
  • Union, NJ

    Submitted by jack_meoff on Feb 7, 10 at 3:32am
  • i think i wanna get a 16 year old pregnant now..haha

    Submitted by CubeZero on Feb 6, 10 at 5:54pm
  • In my hometown... Warren, OH We could have our own show in this town on teen pregnancy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 12:17am
  • Kentucky

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 8, 10 at 1:49pm
  • They follow me around and pick them up after I fuck them...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 7:30pm
  • They find them in michigan.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:34pm
  • In soviet Russia ignorat girls find you

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7, 10 at 8:31pm
  • Fuck you 5:16.... German France is where

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:22pm
  • Grain Valley MO.

    Submitted by fashizzle on Feb 11, 10 at 5:25am
  • Lol, come to Central Florida. I can take you to trailer park after trailer park full of them. Or better yet... Palatka, Florida. The stinkiest

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 8:03pm
  • They are not ignorant they are irresponsiable biggg difference. Not one girl on the show got pregnant on purpose

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:27pm
  • Lol 4:19.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 4:22pm
  • Dude if your serious if we use just my zip code we could submit another 20 seasons to mtv and have 'em coming back for more hahaha

    Submitted by leathelfire on Feb 21, 10 at 8:35pm
  • The south.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 10 at 5:18pm