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  • Gee perhaps "you" need help? Well refuse all you want. Some people need to lose all they got before acknowledging there is a problem. Glad I'm not him.

    Submitted by Xaintrix on May 18, 10 at 2:58pm
    • After losing everything, they just get on welfare and let the working class pay for their binging

      Submitted by Jrod8907 on Aug 6, 12 at 1:22am
  • Hurry up and die. Please.

    Submitted by urallstupid on May 18, 10 at 6:30pm
  • HAHA you fail at life!

    Submitted by Notwhatshesaid on May 18, 10 at 2:47pm
  • Gotta love Wichita. Very bad night.

    Submitted by oahull on May 20, 10 at 12:32am
  • What a dousche ppl are just trying to help

    Submitted by tallerguy87 on May 18, 10 at 3:11pm
  • Ha ha ha ha....

    Submitted by hentailover on May 18, 10 at 8:08pm
  • I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have a phone/a computer in rehab. Just depending on what your in for. But most likely fakesies

    Submitted by grec123 on May 19, 10 at 9:49am
    • reading comprehension fail

      Submitted by Anonymousssss on May 19, 10 at 8:08pm
    • ...they meant they're at college and their mother is contemplating sending them to rehab, and sent it to him via email. oh lord...

      Submitted by and_i_said on May 20, 10 at 7:52am
  • That I think is biting the hand that trys to feed ya!

    Submitted by leadbelly on May 19, 10 at 6:40pm
  • First!!!

    Submitted by m1sterbob on May 18, 10 at 2:46pm
  • Please do us all a favor and kill your self! Make the world a little better place. I don't Evan think that it would work, a peice of shit will forever and always be a peice of shit. Die...die now!

    Submitted by Reck on May 19, 10 at 6:03am
  • yes!! go Wichita!!

    Submitted by hellbillyngr on May 18, 10 at 5:14pm