I just smoked pot in front of my old Elementary School. It's like my Childhood and Adulthood are coming together in this awesome thing.
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Tbay Fail
If your smoking pot in front of an elementary school I don't think your adulthood is coming anytime soon
Shutup, I fucking did this just a week ago. Although, I'm only 17.
hey whoa. I did this, and it was like at once saying goodbye and Fuck you. catholic school, what can I say...
Eighty eight
You smoked in front of a school? Good job asshat.
Mitchell, you live in Canada, so nobody will ever care.
You are an idiot. That is a felony, had you been caught you would have been arrested before you can say anal sex
Dude I do that all the time.
At least the kids will know what a real loser looks like. You are trash.
perfect example of a text with a punchline.....who does this?
I hope one of you former elementary school teachers saw you and said to themself, "I knew he'd end up a pothead loser." and then called the cops on you. Elementary school response times are VERY good these days.
haha i don't know think this is that exciting. i use smoke pot at my old elemnetary playground all the time. not a big deal. lolll
iv done that but i live in canada so no one cared
And that's how I learned how to turn a misdemeanor into a felony as a 2nd grader
Thats some freudian shit there
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