Just playing devils advocate. If you're going to drink while breastfeeding, it's best to do it at the same time. The alcohol doesn't hit your breast milk for a couple of hours. Still, it just looks wrong! Haha
20 years later....... Yes Dr. Drew, I swear the first time I drank I was 6 months old. My mother could make these amazing White Russians with breast milk......
Gosh everyone is so quick to judge! You can still drink and breastfeed. It's called "pump and dump." They make strips that test your breastmilk for the presence of alcohol. Am I saying that she should be out in public taking shots while breastfeeding? No. But for those of you saying that it's child endangerment, c'mon.
The pump and dump doesn't work for that. As soon as the alcohol is out of your blood, it's out of your breast milk. I'm a breastfeeding mom, and the only time I drink is after he's in bed for the night. You're seriously endangering this child's life, even if it doesn't get the alcohol, the mom will be too drunk to drive home!
It doesn't matter if the alcohol doesn't hit the breast milk for several hours she still has to breast feed the baby then too.. And for the person who said she still drinks and breast feeds SHAME ON YOU!!!!
marsho, I stopped wondering after my county dropped a number of programs and lowered the money per student in public schools by $800, but kept a million dollar program for art. Dumbasses.
Thats absolutely not child endangerment!! That won't hurt baby unless mom is trashed. You can safely breastfeed after having a couple drinks as long as mom doesn't feel drunk, as booze is metabolized in breastmilk just like it is in your blood. I'm a breastfeeding mom and I still drink. Bottoms up!!!
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