I found him crying and drunk, in my closet holding a picture of Tyler Perry. He managed to say"he's just so many people"
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Epic win!
So if he was in your closet, was the picture of Tyler Perry yours?
Totally coincidental that he was in a closet. And totally ironic that it was Tyler Perry with him. Never wouldve had Perry on my Gaydar until after I saw that Boondocks episode.
itsnotmycardigan, lolllll, so true.
This is so my friends
Not the first time I've read something like that. Gotta love people on drugs!
Literally scared for the fate of humanity after reading the above comment.
I think you mean al sharpton
What a loser
i bet this is fake
Litterly laffed out lowd for a cupull minits hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha lolololoplpllllololololo ahhhhh
What could possibly have gone through your mind that made you think it was a good idea to post this?
Please sign up for middle school english
dassjennir... you are my hero
You misspelled owt, fo, and uh...
my nephew can write more intelligent things than this...he's 8 and dyslexic...please log off the computer before your stupid ass gets hurt.
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