so are you any less fat since you started doing blow?
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Meth is for face loss, Teeth loss, hair loss, friend loss
That sounds like a good question. I bet it works better than dieting
At this rate you're gonna need to start selling your fat ass on the corner to keep up with that "blow" habit.
fuck jenny craig blows the way to go!
I just like your username, JonerBoner, it has a ring to it.
spank yah kindly!\nmy names jonah and people call me that "joner the local boner doner"
This blow is making me firsty
i thought the EXACT SAME THING when i read this post!
I'll let you blow me to lose the weight
what an ass
An expensive way to loose weight.
First... and can i get a line?
@4:54 while everyone can agree meth is bad for you in every possible way and will permanently fuck you up, blow is cocaine, not meth
Snow bunnies in the house
Stay firsty my friends
Ytsrif em gnikam si wolb siht
I actually said that to my ex-husband, the angry fuck was AWESOME!
adderall works too. less harmful as well.
I never condone coke whores, but this made me actually laugh out loud. Thank you for that.
Haha. This is Funny !! Loosing way to go.
Drugs are wrong. But so are fat people
Haha. Bump it up !!! Lmfao Blow is a good pick me up. I aprove !!
Why yes I am. Now you try some.
Meth is for weightloss, not yayo.
Its all fun in the beginning, then it doesn't help so much. Sucks really. :(
Yes, yes I am.
really ur stupid enough to think about trying it
These pretzels are making me firsty... Blow makes me super paranoid.. No mo for me.. Ever.
U have no friends here or in the real world.
Blow is so hated on this site- don't get it- are u haters all that lame/poor that youve never even tried it? Bump it up!
You the accurate thing to say is This Blow is Making Me Thristy....... Just Saying
Smoke weed it's better for u
That's why I can never be a coke addict. I'm too skinny already, it would kill me faster than a coke addiction.
being a coke addict would kill you faster than having a coke addiction? I'm failing to see any real difference here.
Hmmm...what the fuck would Jesus do in this situation?
this has to be the dumbest catch phrase I have seen on here yet.
slowly die in a fire you bible humping idoit
I doubt Bible thumpers want to be associated with his language. lol
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