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  • The two things women overlook when making themselves up. Shaving/cleaning down there and totally ignoring the tiny mustache or sideburns they have growing. What was a 9 dropped to a 6 without taking proper care. Nasty

    Submitted by hooah33 on Aug 20, 10 at 2:23pm
  • you can be the hottest girl ever but to go down on you when you havent cleaned up right is fuckin disgusting. no rotten tuna!!!

    Submitted by K66Aggression on Aug 20, 10 at 2:34pm
    • fish smell = infection, not that they forgot to clean up

      Submitted by sicklidae on Aug 22, 10 at 3:34pm
  • Douching is a horrible idea. Great way to get more infections. Just use lady soap for down there.

    Submitted by AliasMe on Aug 20, 10 at 4:43pm
  • "Mom when do you know when you should start douching?" Mom replies, "Maybe you should ask those seagulls following you!"

    Submitted by j00kn0w on Aug 20, 10 at 2:16pm
  • that's what you get when you date michael phelps. the man has to be prepared when swimming in the sea of pussy he's got coming his way.

    Submitted by dre623 on Aug 20, 10 at 4:30pm
  • yeah i call fake on this too. either tge dude just got outof a pool (not likely) or he should have said, 'go shower, ill wait'. no dude does this. not fucking ever. i believe the OP is a smelly whore though.

    Submitted by wwiiace on Aug 20, 10 at 4:22pm
  • If it smells like trout... get the fuck out!\n\nbtw guys... if a girl smells like dead fish it means she has an infection. nasty.

    Submitted by sicklidae on Aug 20, 10 at 2:52pm
  • Clean your snatch.

    Submitted by Fear_Cartaidh on Aug 20, 10 at 7:45pm
  • He must have been really desperate to bury himself in such filth and you are one lucky girl that found a guy that would do that regardless. He sounds like a keeper. LOL

    Submitted by RaCk on Aug 20, 10 at 6:32pm
  • Was his head shaved as well?

    Submitted by TheRuleBook on Aug 20, 10 at 2:17pm
  • I love how the immediate response is that she smells bad...not that the dude was immature or being a punk....

    Submitted by iBlonde on Aug 21, 10 at 11:39am
  • That's nasty. So very nasty

    Submitted by wassupp on Aug 20, 10 at 2:13pm
  • Jaynebabyy- I'm saying that improper cleaning and grooming take hot chicks down a few notches. Chicks spend hours on makeup but neglect basic hygiene making them unattractive. Chill the fuck out.

    Submitted by hooah33 on Aug 20, 10 at 4:37pm
  • Nigs

    Submitted by TJohnst on Aug 20, 10 at 8:17pm
  • Suggestion: WASH THAT FISH!!!

    Submitted by mintyshake on Aug 20, 10 at 5:19pm
  • oh my...he sounds homosexual...or maybe he's a swimmer?

    Submitted by Valkyrie on Aug 20, 10 at 2:14pm
  • My thoughts are if he's been there before damn u need to wash. But he's stupid cause if u need nose plug then the taste must be something like rotten fish. Omg I have never been there but since I am female or straight I would not.

    Submitted by Belle77 on Aug 20, 10 at 3:19pm
  • dirty bitch

    Submitted by enoxxx on Aug 20, 10 at 3:03pm
  • That's cuz u smelly.

    Submitted by chicken_fucker on Aug 21, 10 at 5:53pm
  • If he's that much of a pussy he shouldn't be eating it!

    Submitted by mcat on Aug 22, 10 at 11:35am
  • Must be a derka girl

    Submitted by RockAndTroll on Aug 21, 10 at 4:22am
  • i would have puked in you on purpose. chicks like you are the the reason whores get a bad name

    Submitted by ilovewhores on Aug 20, 10 at 3:35pm
  • That's why guys should look, feel, and smell first. When I'm with my girlfriends, I touch It first, smell my fingers and then decide. And if I feel bush, no way.

    Submitted by Broken_Soldier on Aug 21, 10 at 12:58am
    • The smell thing, I get. The hair thing? Grow up. As long as a woman keeps herself clean, having hair shouldn't be a problem. It grows for a reason. I don't complain about you not being shaved completely. Why? Because where you are hairy doesn't usually end up in my mouth. Last time I checked, clits aren't hairy either. With your attitude, I wouldn't expect head any time soon.

      Submitted by not_alice on Aug 23, 10 at 1:38am
  • i actually rolled my eyes after reading the second part.

    Submitted by hjjhgfuikkohv on Aug 21, 10 at 12:31am
  • Nasty tuna fish slut. Ur pussy is probly as wide as the ocean too if u smell that bad. That's the first and last time he'll go down on you. Nasty tuna slut lmao

    Submitted by jrod02 on Aug 22, 10 at 5:15am
  • Fake

    Submitted by queent9 on Aug 20, 10 at 4:36pm
  • Fake.

    Submitted by Jughead on Aug 20, 10 at 3:59pm
  • i know what hooah is talkin about and agree. why would the OP let him if she knew she stunk? and a woman def knows she stinks!!

    Submitted by babe975 on Aug 20, 10 at 8:58pm
  • hooah you should kill yourself.. you don't know what the fuck you're talkin about.\n\nunless you get no good butt. in which case, sorry.

    Submitted by jaynebabyyy on Aug 20, 10 at 3:45pm
  • Well maybe you should clean your snatch!

    Submitted by guitar_boy on Aug 21, 10 at 1:20pm
  • Maybe if u wiped/shaved/cleaned properly he wouldn't have to

    Submitted by yakturk43 on Aug 20, 10 at 2:51pm